The Ministry

    Ministry is described as the work or vocation of a minister of religion. A vocation means more than just an occupation but it is something that someone is passionate about and they dedicate their life to it. You will see from the first Message of Brother Branham’s that you listen to that he was very passionate about Jesus Christ and getting people saved. Even though the supernatural was with Brother Branham from his birth there was a time in his life where he was a sinner and actually was running from God. Certain events took place where God was dealing with his heart and around the age of 27 Brother Branham gave his heart to Jesus Christ and was saved. As a minister he preached straight from the Bible and always believed that the Word of God is the foundation and to never stray from that. His approach to the Word of God was that God meant exactly what he said and to not add to it or take away from it. This approach to the Word cost him a lot of friends and associates but his whole heart was that he would put Jesus Christ the Word first no matter what it cost. At times this was very hard for Brother Branham because his love for Jesus Christ caused him to have such a love for the people that it was hard at times to say things that were controversial or seemed hurtful to the people but he knew that at the day of judgement only the truth will stand and that is the unadulterated Word of God. Even though Brother

Branham yielded to the call of God in his life to preach the gospel the supernatural was still very strong in his life and he did not understand what it meant. Not knowing if it was of God or not in 1947 Brother Branham decided that he would go from his family into the wilderness and seek God with all his heart to find out why these strange things were taking place in his life. While praying in an old trapper’s cabin in the woods a strange light came into the room which was the same light that appeared above Brother Branham at his birth. From this light materialized a man which Brother Branham identified as the Angel of the Lord. This man spoke to Brother Branham and told him that he came from the presence of almighty God and told him of his ministry that would go around the world. That he would be given two signs and that he would pray for the sick and if he would be sincere that nothing would stand before his prayer not even cancer. This man or Angel said that he would be with him and Brother Branham said that he would go.

 Brother Branham is credited for starting the post-World War ll healing revivals that swept the world for a number of years. Brother Branham’s healing ministry grew to where he was in demand around the world. There are numerous testimonies of healings and miracles to where the blind were given their site, deaf could hear, lame and crippled could walk, actual limbs restored, many forms of cancer cured and even the dead raised to life. It got to where at his meetings there would be so many people that there had to be crowd control and there were more people outside wanting to get in than there were people inside. Inside it was standing room only and outside there was people looking in the windows and doors trying to hear what was being said by Brother Branham. When he was at home there were people knocking on his door and looking in his windows all day and night. He had a number of telephones in his house and they rang constantly. At times it seemed that Brother Branham was reclusive but it was only because he stayed constantly in prayer and seeking the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Unlike a lot of the evangelist during his time he never asked for money and only went where the Holy Spirit told him to go. It was not unusual for Brother Branham to speak one day at a house meeting of 15 or 20 people and then days later be speaking before a crowd of 100,000. He lived off of an income of $100 a week while others on the field at that time we’re bringing in thousands of dollars a day. Brother Branham trusted in God to direct him where to go and to make a way to cover the expenses and if no way was made then he would get a job and go to work to provide for his family. All through these healing campaigns God was bringing a message and was fulfilling scriptures through His Prophet. The important thing about these campaigns was The Message and the healings and miracles were there to attract the people’s attention and to prove that God was with this man. Brother Branham’s passion and desire was to love Jesus Christ with all his heart and to get as many people saved and into the kingdom of God as possible and he gave every ounce of energy to doing this every single day. If there ever was a Man who Loved Jesus Christ with all his heart, mind, soul and strength it was William Branham. His message runs deeper than just healing and salvation.

             There are so many scriptures that were fulfilled in his ministry that if a person would truly be born again of the Spirit of Jesus Christ they would start to see the deep value of this Message. During his ministry Brother Branham said a lot of things that many theologians do not agree with but with the Holy Ghost and an open heart you will see that Brother Branham stayed right with the Word and by yielding himself to the leadership of the Holy Ghost he only said what God wanted him to say. So when people disagree with what Brother Branham says they’re not disagreeing with Brother Branham but with God. Brother Branham ministry served as an inspiration to great man of that day such as T. L. Osborn, Oral Roberts and others to start their own healing ministries but none compared to Brother Branham’s ministry. Brother Branham’s ministry proved that the promises made to the apostles on the day of Pentecost are just as true now as they were when Jesus commissioned them to go into all the world and preach the gospel and that all the promises are for us now.