Eyewitness Testimony Videos

Brother Ed Byskal – I Am A Witness (Personal Testimony)

From an early age, Ed Byskal was a witness to many miraculous works of the Lord. Watch and listen as Rev. Byskal recounts those events in A True Witness, a series of episodes about his experiences with the Lord and his encounters with William Branham, the minister who was at the center of these supernatural events.

Episode 01 (Introduction)
Episode 02 (Crossing Paths With A Prophet)
Episode 03 (A Call To The Ministry )
Episode 04 (Questions of The Heart)
Episode 05 (Soldier Boy)
Episode 06 (Connected With Another Realm)
Episode 07 (The Green Checkered Shirt)
Episode 08 (Reaching the Native Indians)
Episode 09 (Sister Ruth Byskal Witness Of The Miraculous)
Episode 10 (The Brown Bear Vision)
Episode 11 (Every Time He Comes)
Episode 12 (The Message Spreads)
Episode 13 (What They Said)
Episode 14 (Driven Forward With Christ)

Eyewitness Testimony Playlist Videos


Ed Byskal Testifies at Bibleway’s 50th Anniversary Meetings


#LivingWordTabernacleNC #William-Branham #Believe 
Bill Paul Branham Testimony at Living Word Tabernacle (Gastonia, NC) 

No one was a closer witness to this end-time Ministry than Brother Billy Paul Branham, Brother Branham’s oldest son. For 14 years, as the traveling companion and personal secretary for his father, he saw first-hand the operation of a prophetic gift and the sign that was sent to vindicate the man, the office, and the ministry. He was present as thousands of people were healed. He heard Brother Branham tell hundreds of visions, and then saw them come to pass. In the words of his father, “God honored Billy Paul.” Brother Billy Paul was born on September 13, 1935 to William and Hope Branham. When he was two years old, both his mother and baby sister, Sharon Rose, died of tuberculosis, just five days apart.

He was 11 years old when his father began the healing campaigns that took him back and forth across the country and around the world. When he was not in school, he traveled with his father, and was even given an official ‘position,’ selling the books and tracts before each service.

One night in June of 1947 at Vandalia, Illinois, the Angel of the Lord appeared visibly in the motel room where Brother Branham was staying. With him were his son, Billy Paul, and his youngest brother, Donny. The prophet asked the Angel if he could wake the boys, so they could witness the angelic Presence that stood before him.

The Angel said, “You can wake up your son, Billy.”
#BelieveTheSign  #FaithComesByHearing #VoiceOfGod
“When I grew older, I asked my dad, ‘How come the Angel of the Lord let me see Him that night?’

I’ll never forget his reply. He said, ‘Because God called you to work with me, son, and He wanted to make Himself manifested to you.’ And I know that from that night in Vandalia on, no matter where we were, I never had to wait to hear Dad say, ‘He’s here.’ I could always tell when that Presence was near.

And today, I believe that same Angel of the Lord is encamped about those that fear His Name.”

At 15, he was attending Bible school in Texas when his father called and asked if he would like to travel with him to Africa. He quit school and never looked back. For the next 14 years, he was constantly at his father’s side. He was at every meeting, handing out prayer cards to the sick, and at every service he would escort his father on and off the platform, often when he was barely able to stand after a long discernment line. He took care of Brother Branham’s personal correspondence, and in 1961 he became secretary/treasurer of the Branham Tabernacle and a member of the board of trustees.

On December 18, 1965, he was traveling just ahead of his father’s car at the time of the accident that would take Brother Branham’s life. He cradled him in his arms as they waited for the ambulance, and heard his father speak his final words on the way to the hospital.

After Brother Branham’s passing, Brother Billy Paul became the president of the newly-formed William Branham Evangelistic Association. He has continued in that capacity, and through his dedication to the furtherance of the Gospel and his commitment to proclaim the Message of the Hour, the missionary and evangelistic efforts of Brother Branham’s Ministry are now reaching into almost every country around the world. He became the vice-president of Voice Of God Recordings in 1981.

He and his wife, Sister Loyce, have two sons, William Paul Jr. and David, six grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.


#LivingWordTabernacleNC #William-Branham #Believe
Bill Paul Branham Testimony at Living Word Tabernacle (Gastonia, NC)

No one was a closer witness to this end-time Ministry than Brother Billy Paul Branham, Brother Branham’s oldest son. For 14 years, as the traveling companion and personal secretary for his father, he saw first-hand the operation of a prophetic gift and the sign that was sent to vindicate the man, the office, and the ministry. He was present as thousands of people were healed. He heard Brother Branham tell hundreds of visions, and then saw them come to pass. In the words of his father, “God honored Billy Paul.” Brother Billy Paul was born on September 13, 1935 to William and Hope Branham. When he was two years old, both his mother and baby sister, Sharon Rose, died of tuberculosis, just five days apart.

He was 11 years old when his father began the healing campaigns that took him back and forth across the country and around the world. When he was not in school, he traveled with his father, and was even given an official ‘position,’ selling the books and tracts before each service.

One night in June of 1947 at Vandalia, Illinois, the Angel of the Lord appeared visibly in the motel room where Brother Branham was staying. With him were his son, Billy Paul, and his youngest brother, Donny. The prophet asked the Angel if he could wake the boys, so they could witness the angelic Presence that stood before him.

The Angel said, “You can wake up your son, Billy.”
#BelieveTheSign #FaithComesByHearing #VoiceOfGod
“When I grew older, I asked my dad, ‘How come the Angel of the Lord let me see Him that night?’

I’ll never forget his reply. He said, ‘Because God called you to work with me, son, and He wanted to make Himself manifested to you.’ And I know that from that night in Vandalia on, no matter where we were, I never had to wait to hear Dad say, ‘He’s here.’ I could always tell when that Presence was near.

And today, I believe that same Angel of the Lord is encamped about those that fear His Name.”

At 15, he was attending Bible school in Texas when his father called and asked if he would like to travel with him to Africa. He quit school and never looked back. For the next 14 years, he was constantly at his father’s side. He was at every meeting, handing out prayer cards to the sick, and at every service he would escort his father on and off the platform, often when he was barely able to stand after a long discernment line. He took care of Brother Branham’s personal correspondence, and in 1961 he became secretary/treasurer of the Branham Tabernacle and a member of the board of trustees.

On December 18, 1965, he was traveling just ahead of his father’s car at the time of the accident that would take Brother Branham’s life. He cradled him in his arms as they waited for the ambulance, and heard his father speak his final words on the way to the hospital.

After Brother Branham’s passing, Brother Billy Paul became the president of the newly-formed William Branham Evangelistic Association. He has continued in that capacity, and through his dedication to the furtherance of the Gospel and his commitment to proclaim the Message of the Hour, the missionary and evangelistic efforts of Brother Branham’s Ministry are now reaching into almost every country around the world. He became the vice-president of Voice Of God Recordings in 1981.

He and his wife, Sister Loyce, have two sons, William Paul Jr. and David, six grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.


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Bill Paul Branham Testimony at Living Word Tabernacle (Gastonia, NC)


Baptist Brothers apologizes to William Branham for Criticizing his Ministry (FGBMFI Convention 1/23/1965)

Demos Shakarian introduces A Baptist man (Daulton) at the January 1965 Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship hosted in Phoenix, AZ, that criticized William Branham. Daulton went to William Branhams campaigns for the idea to gather data to prove how terrible the healing meetings were and believed that William Branham was a phony. Brother Daulton continues to testify how that the devil can wrap your mind by the negative influence you surround yourself with, but then the Holy Spirit started to convict Brother Daulton, and he went to talk to Brother Branham and said "when you meet him face to face, it's different and you can feel the love of Christ radiating from him. "

Brother Branham talks about this encounter in the message "Broken Cisterns"

 3   You be seated. I'm quite sure, if we should, if I'd say the all-sufficient word now of "amen," that the august blessings of God would still rest upon this audience.
4    I have sat this morning and listened close to the service, enjoyed the testimonies, the different ways each one has of expressing themselves. And to hear the newcomers, the Baptist brother here that come to apologize for thinking that a little wrong. So I--I certainly appreciate the human, somebody that can be human enough, or--or gentleman enough, too, if he thinks he's made a mistake. He didn't exactly apologize to me, it wasn't me he was apologizing to, it was God. So I--I appreciate that, see. God bless our brother, and his evangelist brother.
5    My, that Baptist, you know, I used to belong to the Baptist church myself. I was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. When I come among the people, I know how you feel. I felt the same way, just full of something that I--I didn't know.

Brother Branham also preached a Sermon Series (listed below) during the Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship hosted in Phoenix, AZ. 

65-0117 - A Paradox - Phoenix AZ (Sunday)
65-0118 - The Seed of Discrepancy - Phoenix, AZ (Monday)
65-0119 - The God Who is Rich in Mercy  - Phoenix, AZ (Tuesday)
65-0120 - Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding - Phoenix, AZ (Wednesday)
65-0123 - Broken Cisterns - Phoenix, AZ (Saturday)
65-0124 - Birth Pains Phoenix, AZ (Sunday)
65-0125 - This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled - Phoenix,AZ (Monday)
65-0206 - Doors In Doors Flagstaff, AZ

Baptist Brothers apologizes to William Branham for Criticizing his Ministry (FGBMFI Convention 1/23/1965)

Demos Shakarian introduces A Baptist man (Daulton) at the January 1965 Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship hosted in Phoenix, AZ, that criticized William Branham. Daulton went to William Branhams campaigns for the idea to gather data to prove how terrible the healing meetings were and believed that William Branham was a phony. Brother Daulton continues to testify how that the devil can wrap your mind by the negative influence you surround yourself with, but then the Holy Spirit started to convict Brother Daulton, and he went to talk to Brother Branham and said "when you meet him face to face, it's different and you can feel the love of Christ radiating from him. "

Brother Branham talks about this encounter in the message "Broken Cisterns"

3 You be seated. I'm quite sure, if we should, if I'd say the all-sufficient word now of "amen," that the august blessings of God would still rest upon this audience.
4 I have sat this morning and listened close to the service, enjoyed the testimonies, the different ways each one has of expressing themselves. And to hear the newcomers, the Baptist brother here that come to apologize for thinking that a little wrong. So I--I certainly appreciate the human, somebody that can be human enough, or--or gentleman enough, too, if he thinks he's made a mistake. He didn't exactly apologize to me, it wasn't me he was apologizing to, it was God. So I--I appreciate that, see. God bless our brother, and his evangelist brother.
5 My, that Baptist, you know, I used to belong to the Baptist church myself. I was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. When I come among the people, I know how you feel. I felt the same way, just full of something that I--I didn't know.

Brother Branham also preached a Sermon Series (listed below) during the Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship hosted in Phoenix, AZ.

65-0117 - A Paradox - Phoenix AZ (Sunday)
65-0118 - The Seed of Discrepancy - Phoenix, AZ (Monday)
65-0119 - The God Who is Rich in Mercy - Phoenix, AZ (Tuesday)
65-0120 - Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding - Phoenix, AZ (Wednesday)
65-0123 - Broken Cisterns - Phoenix, AZ (Saturday)
65-0124 - Birth Pains Phoenix, AZ (Sunday)
65-0125 - This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled - Phoenix,AZ (Monday)
65-0206 - Doors In Doors Flagstaff, AZ

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Baptist Brothers apologizes to William Branham for Criticizing his Ministry (FGBMFI Convention 1965)


Brother Branham remembered by Brother Ronnie Evans

Brother Welch Evans son Jimmy was the passenger in a car accident that killed him and the driver. Brother Welch Evans called Brother Branham for prayer. Brother Branham told Brother Evans that he searched the outer realms and found Jimmy, cause he seen a Light going up, but the other boy he never saw. Brother Branham told Brother Evans that he could fly over back to Brother Evans and Jimmy would walk out of that Funeral Home, but said that Jimmy would not want to come back. 

In 1964, we lost our son, Jimmy, in a car accident. He was 18 years old. Brother Branham was during that time outside the city, we immediately called Billy Paul. A little later, Brother Branham Welch called and told him that the Lord had shown associated with Jimmy's passing. Anything to him But as soon as he heard of the wreck, he immediately searched "all regions" and could not find him. 

Then he told Welch that he would go and see the wreck. He told Welch that Jimmy most certainly was in the passenger seat when it happened, as soon as the car hit the truck, he saw a light left the right side of the car, and it went straight to God. He said, "Brother Evans, if you want to know where Jimmy is, he is now speaking with my daughter, Sharon Rose." Then he continued: "If you could speak and would ask him to Jimmy, he would say, Dad, I would not come back, let me here "Then Brother Branham asked Welch to call the family together and decide whether we wanted him to do something.. The next day, early in the morning, called Brother Branham returned to Welch, and from then on it was as if we had a peace that passes all understanding went. Three days after the funeral, we came to Tucson. 

We just had to get out. The first place we stopped was at Norman's. Sister Norman suggested that I would call. Sister Branham She said: "I'll call you and talk to her." She dialed the number and gave me the horn. I spoke with Sister Branham and she said, "Sister Evans, Bill is not in, but now he wants to see you all." Immediately after that we heard a knock on the door of Sister Norman's house, and it was Brother Branham. He began to talk. 

Directly Jimmy I wish we had it all on tape what he said, but I think it was the will of the Lord that we did not have it. He said that Jimmy would not want to come back. Then he said: "When Jimmy will see you back, will it be for him if it was only three days ago that he had seen you."

Brother Welch Evans Is the Dad
Brother Jimmy Evans – (Brother Welch Evans son who died in a car accident )

Brother Branham remembered by Brother Ronnie Evans

Brother Welch Evans son Jimmy was the passenger in a car accident that killed him and the driver. Brother Welch Evans called Brother Branham for prayer. Brother Branham told Brother Evans that he searched the outer realms and found Jimmy, cause he seen a Light going up, but the other boy he never saw. Brother Branham told Brother Evans that he could fly over back to Brother Evans and Jimmy would walk out of that Funeral Home, but said that Jimmy would not want to come back.

In 1964, we lost our son, Jimmy, in a car accident. He was 18 years old. Brother Branham was during that time outside the city, we immediately called Billy Paul. A little later, Brother Branham Welch called and told him that the Lord had shown associated with Jimmy's passing. Anything to him But as soon as he heard of the wreck, he immediately searched "all regions" and could not find him.

Then he told Welch that he would go and see the wreck. He told Welch that Jimmy most certainly was in the passenger seat when it happened, as soon as the car hit the truck, he saw a light left the right side of the car, and it went straight to God. He said, "Brother Evans, if you want to know where Jimmy is, he is now speaking with my daughter, Sharon Rose." Then he continued: "If you could speak and would ask him to Jimmy, he would say, Dad, I would not come back, let me here "Then Brother Branham asked Welch to call the family together and decide whether we wanted him to do something.. The next day, early in the morning, called Brother Branham returned to Welch, and from then on it was as if we had a peace that passes all understanding went. Three days after the funeral, we came to Tucson.

We just had to get out. The first place we stopped was at Norman's. Sister Norman suggested that I would call. Sister Branham She said: "I'll call you and talk to her." She dialed the number and gave me the horn. I spoke with Sister Branham and she said, "Sister Evans, Bill is not in, but now he wants to see you all." Immediately after that we heard a knock on the door of Sister Norman's house, and it was Brother Branham. He began to talk.

Directly Jimmy I wish we had it all on tape what he said, but I think it was the will of the Lord that we did not have it. He said that Jimmy would not want to come back. Then he said: "When Jimmy will see you back, will it be for him if it was only three days ago that he had seen you."

Brother Welch Evans Is the Dad
Brother Jimmy Evans – (Brother Welch Evans son who died in a car accident )

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YouTube Video UExmeFktdzhYeEZ4enJrZW1tcTVaVUVOX3FQUE9xWkFQMC41ODIyMTgwQzA4NjJCQkZC

Brother Ronnie Evans Testimony


Brother Lyle Wood tells of the resurrection of the little fish while on a fishing trip with his brother (Banks Wood) and Brother Branham during the 1950's. This testimony was recorded in South Carolina in May, 1987.

One day Brother Branham and Banks and Lyle Woods, (two brothers who were formerly Jehovah Witnesses) went to Dale Hollow, Tennessee, to fish. The first morning out on the water, Banks and Lyle began to reminisce about a dear old lady from the Church of God who used to give them fresh bread and milk to eat. As they thought about her Christian kindness Banks said to Lyle that they ought to go back and see her and tell her that they were now saved and trying to serve God. When he said that, Brother Branham felt the Spirit of God move upon him, attracting his attention; and a voice said, "Thus saith the Lord, in the next few hours there will be a resurrection of a little animal." Immediately he thought of a little kitten that his son, Joseph, had hugged too hard and then dropped limp on the floor. He thought perhaps it had now died and that a prayer of faith would raise it up for its owner.

They had fished for a few hours, and then Lyle pulled in a little Blue Gill. That fish was tiny, and yet in one bite it had devoured entirely the bait and hook. There was no way to get the hook out, so Lyle simply gave the line a hard jerk and the hook came out, but with it came the gills and intestines of the fish. As he threw the fish into the water he said, "You shot your last wad, little' fella." The little fish gave a flip or two, fell on its side and then floated with the waves, drifting toward the shore.

About 30 minutes later a strange feeling fell over Brother Branham. He looked toward the trees on the shore line and there moving as a whirlwind came the sound of a rushing wind, and the Spirit of God spoke again, "Stand up. Speak to the little fish and it shall have its life."

Immediately he stood to his feet and cried, "Little fish, I give you your life."

That dead fish, which only seconds before was floating on the lapping waves drifting toward shore suddenly flipped over and swam like a shot out to the depths. Banks Woods felt the awe of the miracle and said as did the apostles of old at the mount of transfiguration, "It is good for us to be here."

Brother Lyle Wood tells of the resurrection of the little fish while on a fishing trip with his brother (Banks Wood) and Brother Branham during the 1950's. This testimony was recorded in South Carolina in May, 1987.

One day Brother Branham and Banks and Lyle Woods, (two brothers who were formerly Jehovah Witnesses) went to Dale Hollow, Tennessee, to fish. The first morning out on the water, Banks and Lyle began to reminisce about a dear old lady from the Church of God who used to give them fresh bread and milk to eat. As they thought about her Christian kindness Banks said to Lyle that they ought to go back and see her and tell her that they were now saved and trying to serve God. When he said that, Brother Branham felt the Spirit of God move upon him, attracting his attention; and a voice said, "Thus saith the Lord, in the next few hours there will be a resurrection of a little animal." Immediately he thought of a little kitten that his son, Joseph, had hugged too hard and then dropped limp on the floor. He thought perhaps it had now died and that a prayer of faith would raise it up for its owner.

They had fished for a few hours, and then Lyle pulled in a little Blue Gill. That fish was tiny, and yet in one bite it had devoured entirely the bait and hook. There was no way to get the hook out, so Lyle simply gave the line a hard jerk and the hook came out, but with it came the gills and intestines of the fish. As he threw the fish into the water he said, "You shot your last wad, little' fella." The little fish gave a flip or two, fell on its side and then floated with the waves, drifting toward the shore.

About 30 minutes later a strange feeling fell over Brother Branham. He looked toward the trees on the shore line and there moving as a whirlwind came the sound of a rushing wind, and the Spirit of God spoke again, "Stand up. Speak to the little fish and it shall have its life."

Immediately he stood to his feet and cried, "Little fish, I give you your life."

That dead fish, which only seconds before was floating on the lapping waves drifting toward shore suddenly flipped over and swam like a shot out to the depths. Banks Woods felt the awe of the miracle and said as did the apostles of old at the mount of transfiguration, "It is good for us to be here."

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Brother Lyle Wood Testimony


- Brother Bills Testimony
First time Brother Bill was in Brother Brahmas meetings was in 1961. He met Brother Branham in 1963, at the Chicago Meetings that Brother Branham was ministering at. 

Brother Bill was bothered by the gift of discernment, and was thinking “I’m doubting this discernment” which he felt it was wrong to doubt so he thought “If I met Brother Branham I’m going to ask him to pray for me”

It so happened that Brother Bill was walking across the parking lot at the motel they were staying at and Brother Branham was walking right toward him, and so when Brother Bill shook hands with Brother Branham, he told Brother Branham that he would like for him to Pray for him, and Brother Branham immediately said “It’s not what you think it is, ever son that comes unto him must be tried”.

After Brother Branham prayed, Brother Bill and he knew that he was being tried, and not disbelieving. 

- Sister Mary’s Testimony
Sister Mary had a very nervous condition when she was young, and wanted her family to understand The Message.
Sister Mary was thinking that she might die and maybe that would get her family attention and believe the message.
She got a interview with Brother Branham, and Brother Branham laid his hands on Sister Mary and Brother Bill (this was when Brother Branham was in the 1st pull of his ministry, a sign in the hand)

Brother Branham told Sister Mary “There is nothing wrong, it’s just her nerves and she has inherited them. Brother Branham also told Sister Mary “As far as you are thinking you are going to die for your families salvation, He took His Sons Life to Save you Family”

Sister Mary told Brother Branham that she felt like she wasn’t saved, and Brother Branham told her, “(90%) Ninety percent of the time I don’t feel like I’m saved and when you get nervous, you have to look out there and see yourself the way you are suppose to be” 

Brother Branham told Sister Mary “Sister we don’t go by feelings we go by the Word”

Sister Mary now knows to look out and see the way she should be (In Christ) and not the way she is feeling.

For we walk by faith, not by sight

- Brother Bills Testimony
First time Brother Bill was in Brother Brahmas meetings was in 1961. He met Brother Branham in 1963, at the Chicago Meetings that Brother Branham was ministering at.

Brother Bill was bothered by the gift of discernment, and was thinking “I’m doubting this discernment” which he felt it was wrong to doubt so he thought “If I met Brother Branham I’m going to ask him to pray for me”

It so happened that Brother Bill was walking across the parking lot at the motel they were staying at and Brother Branham was walking right toward him, and so when Brother Bill shook hands with Brother Branham, he told Brother Branham that he would like for him to Pray for him, and Brother Branham immediately said “It’s not what you think it is, ever son that comes unto him must be tried”.

After Brother Branham prayed, Brother Bill and he knew that he was being tried, and not disbelieving.

- Sister Mary’s Testimony
Sister Mary had a very nervous condition when she was young, and wanted her family to understand The Message.
Sister Mary was thinking that she might die and maybe that would get her family attention and believe the message.
She got a interview with Brother Branham, and Brother Branham laid his hands on Sister Mary and Brother Bill (this was when Brother Branham was in the 1st pull of his ministry, a sign in the hand)

Brother Branham told Sister Mary “There is nothing wrong, it’s just her nerves and she has inherited them. Brother Branham also told Sister Mary “As far as you are thinking you are going to die for your families salvation, He took His Sons Life to Save you Family”

Sister Mary told Brother Branham that she felt like she wasn’t saved, and Brother Branham told her, “(90%) Ninety percent of the time I don’t feel like I’m saved and when you get nervous, you have to look out there and see yourself the way you are suppose to be”

Brother Branham told Sister Mary “Sister we don’t go by feelings we go by the Word”

Sister Mary now knows to look out and see the way she should be (In Christ) and not the way she is feeling.

For we walk by faith, not by sight

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YouTube Video UExmeFktdzhYeEZ4enJrZW1tcTVaVUVOX3FQUE9xWkFQMC4wQUE0QzM4MkJGQ0YwQjUx

Brother Bill & Sister Mary's Testimony (Referring to Brother Branham)


Sister Louise Novodvorski (Nee McDonald) (Indian from British Columbia) Testimony Pt.1 on William Branham

Sister Louise Novodvorski Nee MacDonald Testimony Pt.2 

Sister Louise McDonald (Novodorski) Testimony - VGR Interview 

- Sister Louise Novodvorski is the 3rd youngest child of a family of 22 siblings

 - In 1963 Brother Branham told Brother Oscar (Sister Louise Novodvorski Brother) where he had lost his horse, that Brother Branham saw them in a vision. Read VGR Article here (http://branham.org/en/articles/642015_BrotherBilly)

- Sister Louise Novodvorski tells about within her own tribe, an Indian prophet prophesied that a Prophet would come before Christ return

- Sister Louise Novodvorski Mother heard that a man prays for the sick and see’s visions and her mother said, that must be him, the one the Indian prophet was talking about

- Sister Louise Novodvorski interpreted for Brother Branham as he prayed for Sister Louise Mother, who had heart trouble, and the Catholic Priest would not go pray for her because they lived so far back in the wilderness, yet Brother Branham went and prayed and she was healed.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski secretly was going to leave her family and move away to become a Nurse. Brother Branham told her that she was planning to move away and become a nurse, which took Sister Louise by surprise because no one knew of her plans. Brother Branham told her “Why don’t you become a nurse for the Lord” and called her a Princess of Cheyenne from a vision he saw her in.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski said that Brother Oscar McDonald passed away, cause he didn’t fully obey the Lord. Brother Oscar saw Brother Branham in a vision before he died, and said that Brother Branham told him he would be leaving the world.

- Brother Branham was on a hunt near Sister Louise family, and Brother Branham wanted to see her mom to see how she was doing, when Sister Louise Mother met Brother Branham she was talking to him in their Indian language and Brother Branham was talking to her in English. Sister Louise mother didn’t understand English but was understanding Brother Branham hearing him talk in Indian. (The Holy Spirit was doing the Interpreting) 

- Brother Angus (Sister Louise Brother) wanted the Holy Ghost, and did everything he could to receive it, when he met Brother Branham, he told him he was seeking the Holy Ghost, and Brother Branham said, receive it now, and Brother Angus was a changed man after that. Brother Angus needed to get across Moose Lake but didn’t have a way to get across, Brother Angus prayed and said, “Lord you allowed Peter to walk across water, will you let me get across this lake, by simple Faith he walked across the lake, and many witnessed it”   

- Sister Louise Novodvorski talks about how she was promised by her dad to marry a man in an arranged marriage, but the man died before they were married, and the man’s family is unbelievers who made fun of God and was very rich. She believes that God knew what would happen if she would have married in an arrange marriage and maybe she would not have had the testimonies of meeting the prophet and telling others if she was married into the family that she was arranged by her dad.


PDF of Sister Louise Testimony with Photos in PDF format.

Sister Louise Novodvorski (Nee McDonald) (Indian from British Columbia) Testimony Pt.1 on William Branham

Sister Louise Novodvorski Nee MacDonald Testimony Pt.2

Sister Louise McDonald (Novodorski) Testimony - VGR Interview

- Sister Louise Novodvorski is the 3rd youngest child of a family of 22 siblings

- In 1963 Brother Branham told Brother Oscar (Sister Louise Novodvorski Brother) where he had lost his horse, that Brother Branham saw them in a vision. Read VGR Article here (http://branham.org/en/articles/642015_BrotherBilly)

- Sister Louise Novodvorski tells about within her own tribe, an Indian prophet prophesied that a Prophet would come before Christ return

- Sister Louise Novodvorski Mother heard that a man prays for the sick and see’s visions and her mother said, that must be him, the one the Indian prophet was talking about

- Sister Louise Novodvorski interpreted for Brother Branham as he prayed for Sister Louise Mother, who had heart trouble, and the Catholic Priest would not go pray for her because they lived so far back in the wilderness, yet Brother Branham went and prayed and she was healed.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski secretly was going to leave her family and move away to become a Nurse. Brother Branham told her that she was planning to move away and become a nurse, which took Sister Louise by surprise because no one knew of her plans. Brother Branham told her “Why don’t you become a nurse for the Lord” and called her a Princess of Cheyenne from a vision he saw her in.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski said that Brother Oscar McDonald passed away, cause he didn’t fully obey the Lord. Brother Oscar saw Brother Branham in a vision before he died, and said that Brother Branham told him he would be leaving the world.

- Brother Branham was on a hunt near Sister Louise family, and Brother Branham wanted to see her mom to see how she was doing, when Sister Louise Mother met Brother Branham she was talking to him in their Indian language and Brother Branham was talking to her in English. Sister Louise mother didn’t understand English but was understanding Brother Branham hearing him talk in Indian. (The Holy Spirit was doing the Interpreting)

- Brother Angus (Sister Louise Brother) wanted the Holy Ghost, and did everything he could to receive it, when he met Brother Branham, he told him he was seeking the Holy Ghost, and Brother Branham said, receive it now, and Brother Angus was a changed man after that. Brother Angus needed to get across Moose Lake but didn’t have a way to get across, Brother Angus prayed and said, “Lord you allowed Peter to walk across water, will you let me get across this lake, by simple Faith he walked across the lake, and many witnessed it”

- Sister Louise Novodvorski talks about how she was promised by her dad to marry a man in an arranged marriage, but the man died before they were married, and the man’s family is unbelievers who made fun of God and was very rich. She believes that God knew what would happen if she would have married in an arrange marriage and maybe she would not have had the testimonies of meeting the prophet and telling others if she was married into the family that she was arranged by her dad.


PDF of Sister Louise Testimony with Photos in PDF format.

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YouTube Video UExmeFktdzhYeEZ4enJrZW1tcTVaVUVOX3FQUE9xWkFQMC5CMUM0NzY5NzdEQzlGRjAx

Sister Louise Novodvorski (McDonald) Testimony Part 1


Sister Louise Novodvorski (Nee McDonald) Indian from BC Testimony Pt.2 on William Branham

Sister Louise Novodvorski Nee McDonald Testimony Pt.1 

Sister Louise McDonald (Novodorski) Testimony - VGR Interview 

- Sister Louise Novodvorski is the 3rd youngest child of a family of 22 siblings

 - In 1963 Brother Branham told Brother Oscar (Sister Louise Novodvorski Brother) where he had lost his horse, that Brother Branham saw them in a vision. Read VGR Article here (http://branham.org/en/articles/642015...)

- Sister Louise Novodvorski tells about within her own tribe, an Indian prophet prophesied that a Prophet would come before Christ return

- Sister Louise Novodvorski Mother heard that a man prays for the sick and see’s visions and her mother said, that must be him, the one the Indian prophet was talking about

- Sister Louise Novodvorski interpreted for Brother Branham as he prayed for Sister Louise Mother, who had heart trouble, and the Catholic Priest would not go pray for her because they lived so far back in the wilderness, yet Brother Branham went and prayed and she was healed.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski secretly was going to leave her family and move away to become a Nurse. Brother Branham told her that she was planning to move away and become a nurse, which took Sister Louise by surprise because no one knew of her plans. Brother Branham told her “Why don’t you become a nurse for the Lord” and called her a Princess of Cheyenne from a vision he saw her in.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski said that Brother Oscar McDonald passed away, cause he didn’t fully obey the Lord. Brother Oscar saw Brother Branham in a vision before he died, and said that Brother Branham told him he would be leaving the world.

- Brother Branham was on a hunt near Sister Louise family, and Brother Branham wanted to see her mom to see how she was doing, when Sister Louise Mother met Brother Branham she was talking to him in their Indian language and Brother Branham was talking to her in English. Sister Louise mother didn’t understand English but was understanding Brother Branham hearing him talk in Indian. (The Holy Spirit was doing the Interpreting) 

- Brother Angus (Sister Louise Brother) wanted the Holy Ghost, and did everything he could to receive it, when he met Brother Branham, he told him he was seeking the Holy Ghost, and Brother Branham said, receive it now, and Brother Angus was a changed man after that. Brother Angus needed to get across Moose Lake but didn’t have a way to get across, Brother Angus prayed and said, “Lord you allowed Peter to walk across water, will you let me get across this lake, by simple Faith he walked across the lake, and many witnessed it”   

- Sister Louise Novodvorski talks about how she was promised by her dad to marry a man in an arranged marriage, but the man died before they were married, and the man’s family is unbelievers who made fun of God and was very rich. She believes that God knew what would happen if she would have married in an arrange marriage and maybe she would not have had the testimonies of meeting the prophet and telling others if she was married into the family that she was arranged by her dad.


PDF of Sister Louise Testimony with Photos in PDF format.

Sister Louise Novodvorski (Nee McDonald) Indian from BC Testimony Pt.2 on William Branham

Sister Louise Novodvorski Nee McDonald Testimony Pt.1

Sister Louise McDonald (Novodorski) Testimony - VGR Interview

- Sister Louise Novodvorski is the 3rd youngest child of a family of 22 siblings

- In 1963 Brother Branham told Brother Oscar (Sister Louise Novodvorski Brother) where he had lost his horse, that Brother Branham saw them in a vision. Read VGR Article here (http://branham.org/en/articles/642015...)

- Sister Louise Novodvorski tells about within her own tribe, an Indian prophet prophesied that a Prophet would come before Christ return

- Sister Louise Novodvorski Mother heard that a man prays for the sick and see’s visions and her mother said, that must be him, the one the Indian prophet was talking about

- Sister Louise Novodvorski interpreted for Brother Branham as he prayed for Sister Louise Mother, who had heart trouble, and the Catholic Priest would not go pray for her because they lived so far back in the wilderness, yet Brother Branham went and prayed and she was healed.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski secretly was going to leave her family and move away to become a Nurse. Brother Branham told her that she was planning to move away and become a nurse, which took Sister Louise by surprise because no one knew of her plans. Brother Branham told her “Why don’t you become a nurse for the Lord” and called her a Princess of Cheyenne from a vision he saw her in.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski said that Brother Oscar McDonald passed away, cause he didn’t fully obey the Lord. Brother Oscar saw Brother Branham in a vision before he died, and said that Brother Branham told him he would be leaving the world.

- Brother Branham was on a hunt near Sister Louise family, and Brother Branham wanted to see her mom to see how she was doing, when Sister Louise Mother met Brother Branham she was talking to him in their Indian language and Brother Branham was talking to her in English. Sister Louise mother didn’t understand English but was understanding Brother Branham hearing him talk in Indian. (The Holy Spirit was doing the Interpreting)

- Brother Angus (Sister Louise Brother) wanted the Holy Ghost, and did everything he could to receive it, when he met Brother Branham, he told him he was seeking the Holy Ghost, and Brother Branham said, receive it now, and Brother Angus was a changed man after that. Brother Angus needed to get across Moose Lake but didn’t have a way to get across, Brother Angus prayed and said, “Lord you allowed Peter to walk across water, will you let me get across this lake, by simple Faith he walked across the lake, and many witnessed it”

- Sister Louise Novodvorski talks about how she was promised by her dad to marry a man in an arranged marriage, but the man died before they were married, and the man’s family is unbelievers who made fun of God and was very rich. She believes that God knew what would happen if she would have married in an arrange marriage and maybe she would not have had the testimonies of meeting the prophet and telling others if she was married into the family that she was arranged by her dad.


PDF of Sister Louise Testimony with Photos in PDF format.

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Sister Louise Novodvorski (McDonald) from BC Testimony Pt.2


Brother Sydney Jackson's Eye Witness Testimony

Sidney Jackson was a missionary from South Africa. He was in close contact with William Branham and he believed the Message that came forth from Brother Branham’s ministry. Already in 1921 he was converted in a Pentecostal meeting and he became a well-received evangelist and pastor in the Apostolic Faith Mission. He was close friends with ministers like Justus duPlessis, his brother David duPlessis and many other “veterans” amongst the Pentecostal believers. Later on Sidney Jackson stepped out of the Apostolic Faith Mission and in 1958 he went over, along with many others like the evangelist Lukas de Beer, to the Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC).

In 1964, while staying in the USA, Sidney Jackson and his wife Johanna were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. After they went back to South Africa in that same year, Sidney Jackson was strongly opposed by several people on the truth of the water baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The principle of the Bible school of the Apostolic Faith Mission, came to him with various pastors and evangelists. Sidney Jackson spoke to them for more than two hours, expounding the Biblical water baptism. After that, many believers came to his house, desiring to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sidney Smith was mayor of Durban and in 1951 he accompanied William Branham during his first visit to South Africa. He was the man who called Brother Branham on the phone in his hotel room and told him to look out of his window. Seven big trucks, loaded full of crutches, wheel- chairs and sticks, that the people had left on the meeting grounds after the service the day before, were driving through the streets of Durban. The native people of South Africa were walking behind the trucks, singing “Only Believe”. (See also the book: “William Branham, a prophet visits South Africa”). Years later Sidney Smith also contacted Brother Sidney Jackson, around 1969, and was baptized by him in true Christian baptism.

Brother Sidney was a very spiritual man and the Lord worked through him with many signs and wonders. The Lord also often spoke to him about people. During the time of William Branham’s first visit to South Africa, the Lord told Brother Branham to stay in Johannesburg for two more weeks, then to take a rest on Jackson’s farm and then from there to go on to Durban to stay there for a month. However, the national organizational committee had other plans and Brother Branham was pulled unwillingly out of the perfect will of the Lord. Although South Africa saw its greatest religious meetings during the services with Brother Branham, the deviant travel scheme threw a shadow over the visit. The Lord spoke to Sidney Jackson in a dream and told him precisely what had gone wrong with the travel scheme and how Brother Branham was out of the perfect will of God. This happened before they had ever personally met.

Brother Sydney Jackson's Eye Witness Testimony

Sidney Jackson was a missionary from South Africa. He was in close contact with William Branham and he believed the Message that came forth from Brother Branham’s ministry. Already in 1921 he was converted in a Pentecostal meeting and he became a well-received evangelist and pastor in the Apostolic Faith Mission. He was close friends with ministers like Justus duPlessis, his brother David duPlessis and many other “veterans” amongst the Pentecostal believers. Later on Sidney Jackson stepped out of the Apostolic Faith Mission and in 1958 he went over, along with many others like the evangelist Lukas de Beer, to the Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC).

In 1964, while staying in the USA, Sidney Jackson and his wife Johanna were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. After they went back to South Africa in that same year, Sidney Jackson was strongly opposed by several people on the truth of the water baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The principle of the Bible school of the Apostolic Faith Mission, came to him with various pastors and evangelists. Sidney Jackson spoke to them for more than two hours, expounding the Biblical water baptism. After that, many believers came to his house, desiring to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sidney Smith was mayor of Durban and in 1951 he accompanied William Branham during his first visit to South Africa. He was the man who called Brother Branham on the phone in his hotel room and told him to look out of his window. Seven big trucks, loaded full of crutches, wheel- chairs and sticks, that the people had left on the meeting grounds after the service the day before, were driving through the streets of Durban. The native people of South Africa were walking behind the trucks, singing “Only Believe”. (See also the book: “William Branham, a prophet visits South Africa”). Years later Sidney Smith also contacted Brother Sidney Jackson, around 1969, and was baptized by him in true Christian baptism.

Brother Sidney was a very spiritual man and the Lord worked through him with many signs and wonders. The Lord also often spoke to him about people. During the time of William Branham’s first visit to South Africa, the Lord told Brother Branham to stay in Johannesburg for two more weeks, then to take a rest on Jackson’s farm and then from there to go on to Durban to stay there for a month. However, the national organizational committee had other plans and Brother Branham was pulled unwillingly out of the perfect will of the Lord. Although South Africa saw its greatest religious meetings during the services with Brother Branham, the deviant travel scheme threw a shadow over the visit. The Lord spoke to Sidney Jackson in a dream and told him precisely what had gone wrong with the travel scheme and how Brother Branham was out of the perfect will of God. This happened before they had ever personally met.

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YouTube Video UExmeFktdzhYeEZ4enJrZW1tcTVaVUVOX3FQUE9xWkFQMC44QTA1QTQyRTc3M0VGQzYx

Brother Sydney Jackson's Eye Witness Testimony


Brother Willie Retief Testimony concerning Brother William Branham in Durban South Africa 

In 1951 Brother Willie Retief attended Brother Branhams meetings.

Brother Retief said  when they started to sing Only Believe before Brother Branham came out to the pulpit the anointing that came down over the place was indescribable and he felt like he was lifted up. Brother Willie said he has never felt the anointing of God like that before, and that sometimes we can feel the presence of God and the anointing, but it is not just like that time when he was there in the meeting.

Brother Retief wanted to see a miracle because of all the things he had heard that took place, so the first three people in the prayer line,there was nothing you could see in the natural of what happen to them cause their sickness wasn't that kind.. then Brother Branham said.. "Just a minute".. Brother Branham looked up and out into the sky and said, there is a man with a black uniform on and shiny buttons (a police uniform).. and right in line where we were standing in the back, this man got up.. and I can see the light reflecting on those buttons.. and Brother Branham said "Sir you had cancer, but Jesus Christ just healed you"... and I noticed that Brother Branham didn't look down, and even if he could look down, he couldn't see what was going on there in the audience cause it was too dark.  

Brother Willie Retief recorded video footage of Brother Branhams last visit to South Africa in 1965.

Brother Branham told Brother Willie that the reason he preached Marriage & Divorce so hard is because to many people are following after the miracles and not The Message.

Brother Willie ask Brother Branham what must they do with the duplicating the tapes, cause they started to duplicating the tapes then found out there was a franchise on the tapes, and the people said "you can't duplicate the tapes", and said.. Brother Branham, we have a problem especially in our country with the poor people who can not afford to pay for the tapes, and to write to America and pay 4 dollars for a tape, what must we do, we advertise them free of charge, tell us what must we do?

Brother Branham then look Brother Willie straight into the eyes, it looks like, Brother Branham see's something way behind you, and you stand here and he looks right through your life, and it took quite a few seconds before he answered me.. and Brother Brnaham Said "You Go Ahead and Tape Them" he said "Billy, Get Brother Willies Address, and we will send you the tapes free of Charge and you go ahead and Tape them", then Brother Said "Brother, My Book, the Seven Church Ages, should be off the press now, Make Sure You Get That Book, That Book is "Thus Saith The Lord"


Brother Willie Retief Testimony concerning Brother William Branham in Durban South Africa

In 1951 Brother Willie Retief attended Brother Branhams meetings.

Brother Retief said when they started to sing Only Believe before Brother Branham came out to the pulpit the anointing that came down over the place was indescribable and he felt like he was lifted up. Brother Willie said he has never felt the anointing of God like that before, and that sometimes we can feel the presence of God and the anointing, but it is not just like that time when he was there in the meeting.

Brother Retief wanted to see a miracle because of all the things he had heard that took place, so the first three people in the prayer line,there was nothing you could see in the natural of what happen to them cause their sickness wasn't that kind.. then Brother Branham said.. "Just a minute".. Brother Branham looked up and out into the sky and said, there is a man with a black uniform on and shiny buttons (a police uniform).. and right in line where we were standing in the back, this man got up.. and I can see the light reflecting on those buttons.. and Brother Branham said "Sir you had cancer, but Jesus Christ just healed you"... and I noticed that Brother Branham didn't look down, and even if he could look down, he couldn't see what was going on there in the audience cause it was too dark.

Brother Willie Retief recorded video footage of Brother Branhams last visit to South Africa in 1965.

Brother Branham told Brother Willie that the reason he preached Marriage & Divorce so hard is because to many people are following after the miracles and not The Message.

Brother Willie ask Brother Branham what must they do with the duplicating the tapes, cause they started to duplicating the tapes then found out there was a franchise on the tapes, and the people said "you can't duplicate the tapes", and said.. Brother Branham, we have a problem especially in our country with the poor people who can not afford to pay for the tapes, and to write to America and pay 4 dollars for a tape, what must we do, we advertise them free of charge, tell us what must we do?

Brother Branham then look Brother Willie straight into the eyes, it looks like, Brother Branham see's something way behind you, and you stand here and he looks right through your life, and it took quite a few seconds before he answered me.. and Brother Brnaham Said "You Go Ahead and Tape Them" he said "Billy, Get Brother Willies Address, and we will send you the tapes free of Charge and you go ahead and Tape them", then Brother Said "Brother, My Book, the Seven Church Ages, should be off the press now, Make Sure You Get That Book, That Book is "Thus Saith The Lord"


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Brother Willie Retief Testimony concerning Brother William Branham in Durban South Africa


Little Donnie Burnett Raised from The Dead - Sister Billie Burnett Interview

Whether it’s today, this week, this month or sometime this year, when emergency strikes, we have a Refuge to turn to. We trust this testimony will strengthen your faith when your time of need arrives. Remember, the same God that moved on the scene for this family, is the same God today. He is a very present help in time of YOUR need.

This video testimony is of Sister Billie Burnett who was there when God moved on the scene for her son, Donnie, at the most desperate time.

Brother Branham makes mention of the incident in this quote:

I'm glad to see Brother Richard Blair setting here. I just read a letter of a great thing that God did among the people there. The other day, as I understand... I may be wrong, Brother Blair; if I am, correct me. He was working, helping a man wire a trailer or something, I believe it was. I read the letter. And they reversed something, and, however, it run the current into a water where a little boy was, one... the--the man that the trailer belonged to, his little boy, just a little lad, and it killed the little boy. And his stomach swollen. We know electrical shock, that's, when they die, that's what happens. The little eyes set; his teeth went together.

It alarmed the brethren so bad. Brother Blair said he thought he could get a hold of me somewhere, to pray for it, but remembered that it was that, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst." And the father skinned his fingers trying to get his fingers in the little boy's mouth, to break it open. And they knelt down and started praying over the little boy, and he come back to life again.

Was that true, Brother Blair? One of our loyal brothers here. Oh, the little boy is here. Well, thank the Lord. That's fine. We'd like for you to stand up, sonny boy. Now, we thank the dear Lord for this. That the father of the little boy? Are you the father? That's right. And here is Brother Richard Blair. Our God is able to do anything. Yes, sir. He promised it. We are living in the Divine Presence of the great, glorious, Heavenly Father. And all things that we... are possible if we can just believe it.

You see what that does, what it paid off for that man's life to believe that? Saved his little boy. Now, God had his loyal servants there, to... Brother Blair and them, to pray for the little boy when he was in that condition. Yes, when anything happens, remember, you are children of the living God.

"Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, there I am." And again it's written, "He's a very present help in time of trouble." And if there ever was trouble, was that little boy laying there, dead, on the ground, from a shock of electricity that went through him. So we're thanking God this morning, with all of our hearts, for these, for these things that He has done for us.
God bless these faithful man, too. In a time of emergency that's the time to look to God. And look to Him, and be on friendship with Him before the emergency arrives. We know this. If we have favor with God, we can ask Him anything, like you would any other friend, and He is a very present help in time of trouble.

- Matthew 18: 19-20
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Little Donnie Burnett Raised from The Dead - Sister Billie Burnett Interview

Whether it’s today, this week, this month or sometime this year, when emergency strikes, we have a Refuge to turn to. We trust this testimony will strengthen your faith when your time of need arrives. Remember, the same God that moved on the scene for this family, is the same God today. He is a very present help in time of YOUR need.

This video testimony is of Sister Billie Burnett who was there when God moved on the scene for her son, Donnie, at the most desperate time.

Brother Branham makes mention of the incident in this quote:

I'm glad to see Brother Richard Blair setting here. I just read a letter of a great thing that God did among the people there. The other day, as I understand... I may be wrong, Brother Blair; if I am, correct me. He was working, helping a man wire a trailer or something, I believe it was. I read the letter. And they reversed something, and, however, it run the current into a water where a little boy was, one... the--the man that the trailer belonged to, his little boy, just a little lad, and it killed the little boy. And his stomach swollen. We know electrical shock, that's, when they die, that's what happens. The little eyes set; his teeth went together.

It alarmed the brethren so bad. Brother Blair said he thought he could get a hold of me somewhere, to pray for it, but remembered that it was that, "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in their midst." And the father skinned his fingers trying to get his fingers in the little boy's mouth, to break it open. And they knelt down and started praying over the little boy, and he come back to life again.

Was that true, Brother Blair? One of our loyal brothers here. Oh, the little boy is here. Well, thank the Lord. That's fine. We'd like for you to stand up, sonny boy. Now, we thank the dear Lord for this. That the father of the little boy? Are you the father? That's right. And here is Brother Richard Blair. Our God is able to do anything. Yes, sir. He promised it. We are living in the Divine Presence of the great, glorious, Heavenly Father. And all things that we... are possible if we can just believe it.

You see what that does, what it paid off for that man's life to believe that? Saved his little boy. Now, God had his loyal servants there, to... Brother Blair and them, to pray for the little boy when he was in that condition. Yes, when anything happens, remember, you are children of the living God.

"Wherever two or more are gathered in My Name, there I am." And again it's written, "He's a very present help in time of trouble." And if there ever was trouble, was that little boy laying there, dead, on the ground, from a shock of electricity that went through him. So we're thanking God this morning, with all of our hearts, for these, for these things that He has done for us.
God bless these faithful man, too. In a time of emergency that's the time to look to God. And look to Him, and be on friendship with Him before the emergency arrives. We know this. If we have favor with God, we can ask Him anything, like you would any other friend, and He is a very present help in time of trouble.

- Matthew 18: 19-20
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

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Little Donnie Burnett Raised from The Dead - Sister Billie Burnett Interview


#ElijahsCave #AProphetsCave #GreensMill
Green's Mill (William Branham's Cave) by George Smith

A visit to the cave where the Angel of the Lord appeared and commissioned William Branham. We'll go inside and see the table with the inverted pyramid rock above it.

"All of us have a place we go to when we get in those troubles. I've got a little cave I'll stay in there for two or three days. I have to wade up a Creek, and go up over a hill; and through a branch, go under a tree and go down into a cave. " Willian Branham, "What Hearest Thou, Elijah?" April 12, 1959.

Fifteen miles northeast of Jeffersonville, just off Highway 62, near the city of Charleston, is a wilderness area that is known as Tunnel Mill. This land is hilly, and marked with large out-croppings of limestone and numerous creeks and streams. The main waterway is called Fourteen Mile Creek, and it cuts a winding path accross the Charleston township from north to south, all the way to the Ohio River. The mouth of the creek is exactly fourteen miles from Jeffersonville, by way of the River, so it didn't take much imagination to come up with the name Fourteen Mile Creek.

Back in the early 1800's, Charleston was known as the milling capitol of Clarke County. At that time, a man by the name of John Work operated a mill along Fourteen Mile Creek, grinding corn and wheat for the settlers and the Indians alike. In 1817, after about fifteen or so years of constant use, the old stone mill needed repairing, and that was when Work set about building the most remarkable mill in the entire state.

Just downstream from the location of his old mill, Fourteen Mile Creek made a long, hairpin curve, wrapping itself around the end of a hill that rose over one hundred feet above the Creek bed. The distance 'through' the narrowest point of this peninsula of land was three hundred feet - but it was three hundred feet of solid rock.

That did not deter John Work! His natural engineering talent was challenged, and he decided to dynamite 'a tunnel' through the mountain and divert the water to a new mill that he would build on the other side. Traveling through the tunnel, the water would drop a hefty twenty-four feet, enough to provide a never-failing source of power to turn his mill-wheel.

It took three years for the Tunnel to be completed, but when it was finally opened in 1820, it was large enough that a man on horseback could pass through it. The new mill became famous throughout the entire state and was called "The Tunnel Mill".

The ingenious John Work died in 1832, and his son became the miller and continued in the business until 1854. At that time he sold the property to Mr. Wilford Green and his family continued to operate the mill until 1927. Officially, it was still recognized as Tunnel Mill, but local people often referred to it as Green"s Mill, in consideration of the new miller.

Most of Green's land was purchased in 1927 by the Boy Scouts of America, and a scout camp was built near where Work's old mill once stood. The new mill was eventually torn down, leaving only the mill wheel as a rusted relic of bygone days. The incredible Tunnel was dynamited closed in 1961, when it became infested with snakes and the rangers were having a hard time keeping the young scouts away from it.

We don't know exactly when my Dad (Bro. Branham) found the cave, because even as a young boy he was familiar with the area. In the winter, he would set up his trap lines along the Creek, catching beaver to help support the family. Just south of Tunnel Mill Road there was a spot called Beaver Hole. Here, Fourteen Mile Creek ran about ten feet deep. Dad and his brothers would come here to swim.

The first time Dad mentioned that he went to "his cave" was in 1946, and he told how the Angel of the Lord met him there. On several other occasions, he spoke of being at the cave, sometimes for several days and nights at a time. He always went alone, except for one occasion, in 1941, when he took Mother.

The only indication he ever gave as to it's general direction was when he told family members where they should stand to call him, if there was an emergency. It was at a spot about halfway between Tunnel Mill Road and Beaver Hole.

Today the road signs point the way to Tunnel Mill Scout reservation, and most of the people who live nearby have no idea what you're talking about when you ask then about Green's Mill. But the old wheel is still there, and the water still runs about ten feet deep at Beaver Hole. But only the "old timers", and maybe a hundred thousand or more Believers, still call this tract of land "Green's Mill".

Read More from the "A Prophet's Cave The Mystery At Fourteen Mile Creek" By Rebekah (Branham) Smith at the Link below


#ElijahsCave #AProphetsCave #GreensMill
Green's Mill (William Branham's Cave) by George Smith

A visit to the cave where the Angel of the Lord appeared and commissioned William Branham. We'll go inside and see the table with the inverted pyramid rock above it.

"All of us have a place we go to when we get in those troubles. I've got a little cave I'll stay in there for two or three days. I have to wade up a Creek, and go up over a hill; and through a branch, go under a tree and go down into a cave. " Willian Branham, "What Hearest Thou, Elijah?" April 12, 1959.

Fifteen miles northeast of Jeffersonville, just off Highway 62, near the city of Charleston, is a wilderness area that is known as Tunnel Mill. This land is hilly, and marked with large out-croppings of limestone and numerous creeks and streams. The main waterway is called Fourteen Mile Creek, and it cuts a winding path accross the Charleston township from north to south, all the way to the Ohio River. The mouth of the creek is exactly fourteen miles from Jeffersonville, by way of the River, so it didn't take much imagination to come up with the name Fourteen Mile Creek.

Back in the early 1800's, Charleston was known as the milling capitol of Clarke County. At that time, a man by the name of John Work operated a mill along Fourteen Mile Creek, grinding corn and wheat for the settlers and the Indians alike. In 1817, after about fifteen or so years of constant use, the old stone mill needed repairing, and that was when Work set about building the most remarkable mill in the entire state.

Just downstream from the location of his old mill, Fourteen Mile Creek made a long, hairpin curve, wrapping itself around the end of a hill that rose over one hundred feet above the Creek bed. The distance 'through' the narrowest point of this peninsula of land was three hundred feet - but it was three hundred feet of solid rock.

That did not deter John Work! His natural engineering talent was challenged, and he decided to dynamite 'a tunnel' through the mountain and divert the water to a new mill that he would build on the other side. Traveling through the tunnel, the water would drop a hefty twenty-four feet, enough to provide a never-failing source of power to turn his mill-wheel.

It took three years for the Tunnel to be completed, but when it was finally opened in 1820, it was large enough that a man on horseback could pass through it. The new mill became famous throughout the entire state and was called "The Tunnel Mill".

The ingenious John Work died in 1832, and his son became the miller and continued in the business until 1854. At that time he sold the property to Mr. Wilford Green and his family continued to operate the mill until 1927. Officially, it was still recognized as Tunnel Mill, but local people often referred to it as Green"s Mill, in consideration of the new miller.

Most of Green's land was purchased in 1927 by the Boy Scouts of America, and a scout camp was built near where Work's old mill once stood. The new mill was eventually torn down, leaving only the mill wheel as a rusted relic of bygone days. The incredible Tunnel was dynamited closed in 1961, when it became infested with snakes and the rangers were having a hard time keeping the young scouts away from it.

We don't know exactly when my Dad (Bro. Branham) found the cave, because even as a young boy he was familiar with the area. In the winter, he would set up his trap lines along the Creek, catching beaver to help support the family. Just south of Tunnel Mill Road there was a spot called Beaver Hole. Here, Fourteen Mile Creek ran about ten feet deep. Dad and his brothers would come here to swim.

The first time Dad mentioned that he went to "his cave" was in 1946, and he told how the Angel of the Lord met him there. On several other occasions, he spoke of being at the cave, sometimes for several days and nights at a time. He always went alone, except for one occasion, in 1941, when he took Mother.

The only indication he ever gave as to it's general direction was when he told family members where they should stand to call him, if there was an emergency. It was at a spot about halfway between Tunnel Mill Road and Beaver Hole.

Today the road signs point the way to Tunnel Mill Scout reservation, and most of the people who live nearby have no idea what you're talking about when you ask then about Green's Mill. But the old wheel is still there, and the water still runs about ten feet deep at Beaver Hole. But only the "old timers", and maybe a hundred thousand or more Believers, still call this tract of land "Green's Mill".

Read More from the "A Prophet's Cave The Mystery At Fourteen Mile Creek" By Rebekah (Branham) Smith at the Link below


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Green's Mill (William Branham's Cave) by George Smith


Brother William Branham interviewed Sister Georgia Bruce on Sunday morning, July 5, 1964, sitting in his office at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, during the song service preceding his Message, The Masterpiece. Sister Bruce, born August 8, 1902, lived twenty-seven years for Jesus Christ after this interview, and died August 7, 1991, at the age of eight-nine.

It’s a little tough to hear, so you might want to follow along with the text, but the following is a six-minute personal interview with Sister Georgia Bruce during the song service preceding the sermon, "The Masterpiece." Brother Branham refers to this interview in paragraph 57 of that sermon.

Sister Bruce seemed to be suffering with something that is common among many of God’s people: nervousness. We see all the mistakes we make, and the enemy makes sure to keep bringing them to our attention. Sometimes we look at ourselves and wonder, “How can I be a child of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, when I make all these mistakes?” Brother Branham takes that question and places it upon the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. It sounds like basic Christianity, but it is all too easy to forget why the Savior had to die in the manner He did.

Questions Sister Bruce asked Brother Branham
[Sister Georgia Bruce says, "Brother Branham, most of all, I want the experience that I been sealed in the Holy Ghost. And if God will reveal it to your heart!"--Ed.]

[Sister Bruce says, "I make so many mistakes, and I fail so many times."--Ed.]

[Sister Bruce says, "But I've never had an experience that I have been filled the Holy Ghost, that I could put my foot on."--Ed.]

«  E-3       †        [Sister Bruce says, "I make so many mistakes, and I fail so many times."--Ed.]
That's why Christ had to die, so that you, with your mistakes, wouldn't be lotted to you. See? He took your mistakes. Your desire in your heart is to serve Him. [Sister Bruce says, "Yes."--Ed.] All right. That's what He died for, so you could serve Him. See? Not... Your mistakes are not looked, not lotted to you. See? He is your propitiation. See? He is your sin-offering. Your sins are not known. You're not a sinner, before God. Christ took your sins, and became you. Cause, your desire is to serve Him.

«  E-4       †        [Sister Bruce says, "But I've never had an experience that I have been filled the Holy Ghost, that I could put my foot on."--Ed.]
All right. Notice this. Ordinarily, a human being is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world, speaking lies. That's the nature of a human being. [Sister Bruce says, "Yes."--Ed.] That was your nature. It changed once. But what changed it? ["Christ."] There you are, sister. See? That's it.
"He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, and shall not come to the Judgment; but hath," past tense, "passed from death to Life." Saint John 5:24, Jesus speaking. See?
So, you, you're--you're a Christian, Sister Bruce. I've watched your life. I've watched you, under vision, and I know you're a Christian. See? Not one speck of... See, I am your shepherd, as it was, [Sister Bruce says, "Yes."--Ed.] somebody to help. See? If there was any doubt in my mind, if I thought you was something was wrong, I'd tell you, Sister Bruce. ["I believe that."] But if there's anything wrong, in your experience, anything wrong between you and God, as far as I know anything about it, Sister Bruce, there's not a thing. There's not one thing.
We're going to pray.

Brother William Branham interviewed Sister Georgia Bruce on Sunday morning, July 5, 1964, sitting in his office at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, during the song service preceding his Message, The Masterpiece. Sister Bruce, born August 8, 1902, lived twenty-seven years for Jesus Christ after this interview, and died August 7, 1991, at the age of eight-nine.

It’s a little tough to hear, so you might want to follow along with the text, but the following is a six-minute personal interview with Sister Georgia Bruce during the song service preceding the sermon, "The Masterpiece." Brother Branham refers to this interview in paragraph 57 of that sermon.

Sister Bruce seemed to be suffering with something that is common among many of God’s people: nervousness. We see all the mistakes we make, and the enemy makes sure to keep bringing them to our attention. Sometimes we look at ourselves and wonder, “How can I be a child of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, when I make all these mistakes?” Brother Branham takes that question and places it upon the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. It sounds like basic Christianity, but it is all too easy to forget why the Savior had to die in the manner He did.

Questions Sister Bruce asked Brother Branham
[Sister Georgia Bruce says, "Brother Branham, most of all, I want the experience that I been sealed in the Holy Ghost. And if God will reveal it to your heart!"--Ed.]

[Sister Bruce says, "I make so many mistakes, and I fail so many times."--Ed.]

[Sister Bruce says, "But I've never had an experience that I have been filled the Holy Ghost, that I could put my foot on."--Ed.]

« E-3 † [Sister Bruce says, "I make so many mistakes, and I fail so many times."--Ed.]
That's why Christ had to die, so that you, with your mistakes, wouldn't be lotted to you. See? He took your mistakes. Your desire in your heart is to serve Him. [Sister Bruce says, "Yes."--Ed.] All right. That's what He died for, so you could serve Him. See? Not... Your mistakes are not looked, not lotted to you. See? He is your propitiation. See? He is your sin-offering. Your sins are not known. You're not a sinner, before God. Christ took your sins, and became you. Cause, your desire is to serve Him.

« E-4 † [Sister Bruce says, "But I've never had an experience that I have been filled the Holy Ghost, that I could put my foot on."--Ed.]
All right. Notice this. Ordinarily, a human being is born in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world, speaking lies. That's the nature of a human being. [Sister Bruce says, "Yes."--Ed.] That was your nature. It changed once. But what changed it? ["Christ."] There you are, sister. See? That's it.
"He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, and shall not come to the Judgment; but hath," past tense, "passed from death to Life." Saint John 5:24, Jesus speaking. See?
So, you, you're--you're a Christian, Sister Bruce. I've watched your life. I've watched you, under vision, and I know you're a Christian. See? Not one speck of... See, I am your shepherd, as it was, [Sister Bruce says, "Yes."--Ed.] somebody to help. See? If there was any doubt in my mind, if I thought you was something was wrong, I'd tell you, Sister Bruce. ["I believe that."] But if there's anything wrong, in your experience, anything wrong between you and God, as far as I know anything about it, Sister Bruce, there's not a thing. There's not one thing.
We're going to pray.

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YouTube Video UExmeFktdzhYeEZ4enJrZW1tcTVaVUVOX3FQUE9xWkFQMC42QzdBMzlBQzQzRjQ0QkQy

Sister Georgia Bruce Private Interview with Brother Branham


Brother Charlie Mitchell his Testimony how he was healed of a tumor in his lung while in Brother Williams Branhams Meeting.

«  243       †          Some of you people out there, that's sick and afflicted, that you know that I don't know you, let God now... if I can humble myself enough. You pray and ask God.
244    I don't guess... There isn't a prayer card in the building, is there? No, I don't... We never give out any prayer cards. We're going to have prayer meeting at... or healing of sick, at the church. But, you pray.
245    And you know that I'm a total stranger to you. See, you know me, Jeffersonville! I don't want people from Jeffersonville to do that. I want people from away from here somewhere. See if God still reveals! See if He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever!
246    Do like the little woman did. He passed through, and she said, "I believe this Man." She had a blood issue, and she said, "If I can touch the border of His garment, I believe I'll be made whole." Is that right?
247    Because of her faith, that day, the Scripture was fulfilled. "He bind up the heart of the broken heart, healed the sick and the lame."
248    When she touched His garment, and walked out and sat down, He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" How'd He ever know, in that great throng of people, probably thirty times what's here tonight, thousands of them? How did He know it? He said, "Who touched Me?" He didn't say that just to be saying; He said that because it was true. And He said, "Who touched Me?" And directly He looked around and seen the little woman, where she was setting or standing, whatever position she was in, told her her blood issue was over.
249    That was Jesus yesterday. That's Him today. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

«  250       †          I don't know you; God does. But you got pains in your side, that's bothering you. That's right. You're setting there praying about it. Am I a stranger to you, and we're stranger to one another? Stand up, if it is. I don't know you. It's this man right here on the corner, this young fellow. You also got a bad throat. That's right. You're praying about that. You're all nervous about something. You're going to have to leave the meeting because, you're a minister, you got some engagements you got to take care of. That is right. Uh-huh. You believe God knows who you are? Rev. Mr. Smith, now you can go and be healed. Jesus Christ made you whole. Go on to your meeting; your throat won't bother you.
Who did he touch?

«  251       †          There is a man sitting right back here; he is suffering. He's got a tumor on his left lung. He doesn't... He isn't from here. You have been a mine worker. That is right. I'm a total stranger to you. If that's right, shake your hand. The tumor is in your left lung, and you're up for an operation right away. That's right? You're not from here. You're from out of town. You're from Virginia. That's right. You believe God knows who you are? Mr. Mitchell, that's right, go home and be well. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Ask the man! Never seen him, in my life. He was sitting there, praying.
This day this Scripture!
252    [Brother Branham turns his back to the congregation--Ed.] Here is a lady sitting right back here, behind me, as Sarah was in the tent. She is praying for a daughter. Stand up. The daughter is not here; she is away, the daughter. And you're the same as it was when a woman come to Jesus, who had a woman that was variously vexed with a devil. The woman is... girl is demon possessed. She is not here. She is from... You're from North Carolina. You believe that? And that's the truth, isn't it? Mrs. Orders, you can go home. If you'll believe with all your heart, you'll find your daughter like found when Jesus Christ in the days gone by, said it was healed.

«  253       †          This day this Scripture; the sign of Sodom, the sign of the super Seed, the sign of the natural church! This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your midst. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
254    Will you accept Him right now as your Saviour, healer? Stand up to your feet, every one of you, say, "I accept my healing. I accept Him as my Saviour. I accept Him as my King." Each one stand to your feet.

Brother Charlie Mitchell his Testimony how he was healed of a tumor in his lung while in Brother Williams Branhams Meeting.

« 243 † Some of you people out there, that's sick and afflicted, that you know that I don't know you, let God now... if I can humble myself enough. You pray and ask God.
244 I don't guess... There isn't a prayer card in the building, is there? No, I don't... We never give out any prayer cards. We're going to have prayer meeting at... or healing of sick, at the church. But, you pray.
245 And you know that I'm a total stranger to you. See, you know me, Jeffersonville! I don't want people from Jeffersonville to do that. I want people from away from here somewhere. See if God still reveals! See if He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever!
246 Do like the little woman did. He passed through, and she said, "I believe this Man." She had a blood issue, and she said, "If I can touch the border of His garment, I believe I'll be made whole." Is that right?
247 Because of her faith, that day, the Scripture was fulfilled. "He bind up the heart of the broken heart, healed the sick and the lame."
248 When she touched His garment, and walked out and sat down, He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" How'd He ever know, in that great throng of people, probably thirty times what's here tonight, thousands of them? How did He know it? He said, "Who touched Me?" He didn't say that just to be saying; He said that because it was true. And He said, "Who touched Me?" And directly He looked around and seen the little woman, where she was setting or standing, whatever position she was in, told her her blood issue was over.
249 That was Jesus yesterday. That's Him today. You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

« 250 † I don't know you; God does. But you got pains in your side, that's bothering you. That's right. You're setting there praying about it. Am I a stranger to you, and we're stranger to one another? Stand up, if it is. I don't know you. It's this man right here on the corner, this young fellow. You also got a bad throat. That's right. You're praying about that. You're all nervous about something. You're going to have to leave the meeting because, you're a minister, you got some engagements you got to take care of. That is right. Uh-huh. You believe God knows who you are? Rev. Mr. Smith, now you can go and be healed. Jesus Christ made you whole. Go on to your meeting; your throat won't bother you.
Who did he touch?

« 251 † There is a man sitting right back here; he is suffering. He's got a tumor on his left lung. He doesn't... He isn't from here. You have been a mine worker. That is right. I'm a total stranger to you. If that's right, shake your hand. The tumor is in your left lung, and you're up for an operation right away. That's right? You're not from here. You're from out of town. You're from Virginia. That's right. You believe God knows who you are? Mr. Mitchell, that's right, go home and be well. Jesus Christ makes you whole. Ask the man! Never seen him, in my life. He was sitting there, praying.
This day this Scripture!
252 [Brother Branham turns his back to the congregation--Ed.] Here is a lady sitting right back here, behind me, as Sarah was in the tent. She is praying for a daughter. Stand up. The daughter is not here; she is away, the daughter. And you're the same as it was when a woman come to Jesus, who had a woman that was variously vexed with a devil. The woman is... girl is demon possessed. She is not here. She is from... You're from North Carolina. You believe that? And that's the truth, isn't it? Mrs. Orders, you can go home. If you'll believe with all your heart, you'll find your daughter like found when Jesus Christ in the days gone by, said it was healed.

« 253 † This day this Scripture; the sign of Sodom, the sign of the super Seed, the sign of the natural church! This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your midst. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
254 Will you accept Him right now as your Saviour, healer? Stand up to your feet, every one of you, say, "I accept my healing. I accept Him as my Saviour. I accept Him as my King." Each one stand to your feet.

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Brother Charlie Mitchell Healed in Brother William Branham Sermon