Believers Testimonies Mission

    “One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works.” Psalms145:4-5

    The Revelation of Christ (Full Documentary)

This documentary is about The Message that William Branham brought to the bride. It was filmed, edited and directed by Adam David. Narrated by Isaac Luke and produced by Dutch Scott. 

This compelling documentary delves into the supernatural testimonies of deliverance, healing, and the powerful move of the Holy Spirit, all centered around the life-changing message brought by Brother William Branham. The film features interviews with individuals from diverse backgrounds, each sharing their personal experiences of encountering the presence of God through the Revelation of Jesus Christ. These testimonies highlight profound moments of physical and spiritual healing, divine intervention, and the transformative power of the Holy Ghost through a Living God.

Brother Branham's message, often referred to as "The Message of the Hour," is a revelation of Christ made alive in the hearts of believers, known as the Bride of Christ. The documentary explores how his teachings have ignited a deeper understanding of God's plan for His people on Earth, emphasizing the importance of receiving the Holy Ghost and living a life led by Christ’s revelation. As the interviews unfold, viewers are taken on a spiritual journey, witnessing firsthand the miracles, signs, and wonders that continue to resonate within the lives of believers who have embraced this message.

Through these moving testimonies, the documentary illustrates how the Bride of Christ experiences God’s living power today, affirming that the same supernatural works evident in the early church are still active. "The Revelation of Christ" is not just a collection of stories but a vivid portrayal of faith in action, underscoring the reality of Christ’s presence in His people.

Interviews from..
Brother Donny Reagan (Pastor of Word of Life Church
Brother Barry Coffey (Pastor of Hickory Bible Tabernacle)
Brother David Siler (Pastor of New Life Church)
Brother Dutch Scott (Pastor of Revealed Word Tabernacle)
Brother Sean Ashdown
Brother Brian Crowe
Brother Micah Williams
Sister Gloria Keith
Brother Joe Adams
Brother Bob Black
Brother Darrell Ward
Sister Gloria Keith
Brother Jason Jackson
Brother Micah Williams
Brother Phil Propalis
Brother Jonathan Jones
Brother George Quinn
Brother Logan Quarles
Brother Landon Turner
Brother Sean Ashdown
Sister Courtney Goad

Produced by Clockwork Productions

    The Revelation of Christ (Full Documentary)

    This documentary is about The Message that William Branham brought to the bride. It was filmed, edited and directed by Adam David. Narrated by Isaac Luke and produced by Dutch Scott.

    This compelling documentary delves into the supernatural testimonies of deliverance, healing, and the powerful move of the Holy Spirit, all centered around the life-changing message brought by Brother William Branham. The film features interviews with individuals from diverse backgrounds, each sharing their personal experiences of encountering the presence of God through the Revelation of Jesus Christ. These testimonies highlight profound moments of physical and spiritual healing, divine intervention, and the transformative power of the Holy Ghost through a Living God.

    Brother Branham's message, often referred to as "The Message of the Hour," is a revelation of Christ made alive in the hearts of believers, known as the Bride of Christ. The documentary explores how his teachings have ignited a deeper understanding of God's plan for His people on Earth, emphasizing the importance of receiving the Holy Ghost and living a life led by Christ’s revelation. As the interviews unfold, viewers are taken on a spiritual journey, witnessing firsthand the miracles, signs, and wonders that continue to resonate within the lives of believers who have embraced this message.

    Through these moving testimonies, the documentary illustrates how the Bride of Christ experiences God’s living power today, affirming that the same supernatural works evident in the early church are still active. "The Revelation of Christ" is not just a collection of stories but a vivid portrayal of faith in action, underscoring the reality of Christ’s presence in His people.

    Interviews from..
    Brother Donny Reagan (Pastor of Word of Life Church
    Brother Barry Coffey (Pastor of Hickory Bible Tabernacle)
    Brother David Siler (Pastor of New Life Church)
    Brother Dutch Scott (Pastor of Revealed Word Tabernacle)
    Brother Sean Ashdown
    Brother Brian Crowe
    Brother Micah Williams
    Sister Gloria Keith
    Brother Joe Adams
    Brother Bob Black
    Brother Darrell Ward
    Sister Gloria Keith
    Brother Jason Jackson
    Brother Micah Williams
    Brother Phil Propalis
    Brother Jonathan Jones
    Brother George Quinn
    Brother Logan Quarles
    Brother Landon Turner
    Brother Sean Ashdown
    Sister Courtney Goad

    Produced by Clockwork Productions

    115 13

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLkpCeEV5R3F2Z2pJ

    The Revelation of Christ (Full Documentary)


    Many times people misjudge one another. - William Branham, God Being Misunderstood (61-0723E )

61 And now there’s many times that this…that people misjudge one another. And it is a bad thing to do. You say, “Why, she’s got short hair, she’s wearing her dresses too short, that—that—that’s not the Holy Spirit upon her.” Don’t do that! Don’t do that, that’s not right. You don’t know what’s in that woman’s heart. You don’t know nothing about it. You know that the Holy Spirit would make her conduct herself a little better, now, that may be true. But I’ll tell you, as you and I, let God do the judging of that, and let’s you and I just pray for that person that God will show them the Light.

62 Here some time ago a man met me out here, aside. And I had a pianist here that had a little, short, little skirt, and wasn’t just exactly, I guess, just right. And the lady had short hair, and she was just a babe in this Way, and she was playing the piano. And a man met me out there and just tearing me to pieces, he said, “And you’re a pentecostal preacher, and let that woman set up there! That short hair!” And just going on like everything.

63 “Well,” I said, “I think the woman has a good spirit in her. I certainly do not agree with that, you know, the skirt part up here, the two pieces.”

64 One of them is down here and one kind up here, it’s a shirt like they wear. And so it’s real thin and shows that underneath garment that they have around there. I don’t think that—that should be done. I—I don’t like that, I really don’t. I—I can’t…They—they might be just as Spirit-filled as anybody else, I don’t know; God knows that. But I wouldn’t condemn that woman and say that she was going to hell, by the sight.

65 This same person had in his church a lady who had long hair and wore long dresses, and had a temper enough to fight a buzz saw, and just as mean as she could be. Now, long hair and long skirts don’t take you to Heaven. No, sir! It’s the Spirit that’s in you takes you to Heaven. But if you as a Christian…

66 Then you should remember that many times pastors don’t mention those things and the people just automatically go on, think it’s all right. But a pastor should really tear into that. And—and—and then the sisters of the church, those sisters who are in character standing, wearing their clothes neatly, they should be examples of sweetness, and—and motherly and sisterly-like.

67 And I think that any woman that’s motherly and godly and sisterly ought to go to such a person, and with sweetness of the Spirit, just sit down and talk to that lady. And if she is of God, the Holy Spirit will understand those things, and she’ll correct herself. But when you real quickly condemn her and drive her away, you might harm that young, born baby. See? So I—I wouldn’t condemn the person.

68 Now, the person speaking with tongues.

69 Now, I—I have to say something here that may be just a little strange, and if you don’t agree with me, that’s okay. You see, we misjudge these things so many times. Let’s always try to think the very best of anybody who’s trying to do what’s right. Let’s express our very best to them. Oh, they’re trying. We don’t know their heart, unless you have a discernment. And if they’re wrong, then if you got…The Bible said, “If a brother be overtaken in a fault, let them which are spiritual go to that brother in a spirit of meekness, considering your own self lest you be tempted, and see if you can’t reconcile that person, see, back to God.” 

61-0723E - "God Being Misunderstood"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

    Many times people misjudge one another. - William Branham, God Being Misunderstood (61-0723E )

    61 And now there’s many times that this…that people misjudge one another. And it is a bad thing to do. You say, “Why, she’s got short hair, she’s wearing her dresses too short, that—that—that’s not the Holy Spirit upon her.” Don’t do that! Don’t do that, that’s not right. You don’t know what’s in that woman’s heart. You don’t know nothing about it. You know that the Holy Spirit would make her conduct herself a little better, now, that may be true. But I’ll tell you, as you and I, let God do the judging of that, and let’s you and I just pray for that person that God will show them the Light.

    62 Here some time ago a man met me out here, aside. And I had a pianist here that had a little, short, little skirt, and wasn’t just exactly, I guess, just right. And the lady had short hair, and she was just a babe in this Way, and she was playing the piano. And a man met me out there and just tearing me to pieces, he said, “And you’re a pentecostal preacher, and let that woman set up there! That short hair!” And just going on like everything.

    63 “Well,” I said, “I think the woman has a good spirit in her. I certainly do not agree with that, you know, the skirt part up here, the two pieces.”

    64 One of them is down here and one kind up here, it’s a shirt like they wear. And so it’s real thin and shows that underneath garment that they have around there. I don’t think that—that should be done. I—I don’t like that, I really don’t. I—I can’t…They—they might be just as Spirit-filled as anybody else, I don’t know; God knows that. But I wouldn’t condemn that woman and say that she was going to hell, by the sight.

    65 This same person had in his church a lady who had long hair and wore long dresses, and had a temper enough to fight a buzz saw, and just as mean as she could be. Now, long hair and long skirts don’t take you to Heaven. No, sir! It’s the Spirit that’s in you takes you to Heaven. But if you as a Christian…

    66 Then you should remember that many times pastors don’t mention those things and the people just automatically go on, think it’s all right. But a pastor should really tear into that. And—and—and then the sisters of the church, those sisters who are in character standing, wearing their clothes neatly, they should be examples of sweetness, and—and motherly and sisterly-like.

    67 And I think that any woman that’s motherly and godly and sisterly ought to go to such a person, and with sweetness of the Spirit, just sit down and talk to that lady. And if she is of God, the Holy Spirit will understand those things, and she’ll correct herself. But when you real quickly condemn her and drive her away, you might harm that young, born baby. See? So I—I wouldn’t condemn the person.

    68 Now, the person speaking with tongues.

    69 Now, I—I have to say something here that may be just a little strange, and if you don’t agree with me, that’s okay. You see, we misjudge these things so many times. Let’s always try to think the very best of anybody who’s trying to do what’s right. Let’s express our very best to them. Oh, they’re trying. We don’t know their heart, unless you have a discernment. And if they’re wrong, then if you got…The Bible said, “If a brother be overtaken in a fault, let them which are spiritual go to that brother in a spirit of meekness, considering your own self lest you be tempted, and see if you can’t reconcile that person, see, back to God.”

    61-0723E - "God Being Misunderstood"
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

    78 5

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLjNrNDQ5dnEwanM0

    Many times people misjudge one another. - William Branham


    Q&A "How am I supposed to show my wife that I really care for her" - William Branham

64-0830M - Questions And Answers #3
330. Brother Branham, how am I supposed to show my wife that I really care for her and yet play…or stay with the Word (That’s)—stay—stay with the Word, but still having a question like this said: “Why don’t you practice what you preach or believe?”

114 Well then, if the wife, if the wife is saying this to you when she’s…has a right to say it, you better get right. See, see? Then if she—if she is saying it just to be evil, remember, the Bible said, “It was better that a millstone was hanged at your neck and drowned in the depths of the sea than even to offend the least of these, my little ones.” Now, that’s just your…?…
115 And may be that this wife is not that type of person. Maybe she’s a different. Maybe she’s a good person. Maybe she’s just testing you to see what you’ll do.

116 Now, stay in love with her and let her see Jesus in you. You do that. See? You just go on. Some…I give a little illustration this morning about a person that…One time this little woman had—had received the Holy Ghost. She was a very sweet little person. They…She said…Well, she’d had a hard life, and her husband was an alcoholic. And so, she just kept on; she bore with him. He says, “You want to go to church, Honey, take off!” But now, he went down to the saloon, down at the old Brown Derby, down here. Going on. So they hung out down there all the time, used to be Bonifers. Many of you old-timers here remember when Bonifer had there on the corner of…It’s called Brown Derby now, I believe it is.

117 So, hanging around down there, and the first thing you know, one night come up a question about church and about Christians. One of the old drunks setting there said, “There ain’t no such a thing as Christians anymore. And there is no such a thing. All this bunch of hypocrites,” said, “you see them out here smoking, drinking, doing the same thing that we do, and,” said, “call themselves Christians. There is no such.”
118 This one drunk raised up and said, “Just a minute! There’s one that I know about.”
Said, “Who is it?”

Said, “It’s my wife.” See? She’d become salty. He was catching it all the time.
He said, “I bet if she was put to a squeeze…”
He said, “No, she’s still a Christian; I’ll prove it to you.” Said, “I tell you what let’s do; let’s go up home, and I’ll show you whether she’s a Christian or not.” Said, “Let’s go up home, and now, let’s really be drunk. We’re going to act like we’re really drunk.” Knocked at the door, come in staggering over everything and—and…“Why the chair setting around this way?” and everything. And she set them all a chair and (his guests, you know)—and tried to make them just as welcome as could be. Said, “I want you to fix us some supper.” And so they…She went out and fixed some. Said, “We want ham and eggs.” He knowed they had it, so they fixed the ham and eggs. When he got there at the table, he looked at them like that, picked up his plate, and slammed the stuff on the floor, said, “You know, I don’t like my eggs like that. Come on boys let’s get out of here anyhow,” like that—like that.

119 They went out and set down like that, you know. And she come out; she said, “Dear, I’m—I’m sorry I didn’t get them fixed; I’ll fix some more for you.”

120 “Oh, nonsense, you knowed I didn’t want them that way in the first place,” just carrying on like that. They went out there, and set down, and act like they was drunk. They heard her in there kind of snubbing to herself, singing real low voice:
Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
All the world go free?
There’s a cross for everyone,
And there’s a cross for me.
This consecrated cross I’ll bear,
Till death shall set me free.
One drunk looked at the other one, said, “She’s a Christian; she’s got it!” And that little woman led her husband, plus these others to Christ that night. See? Why? See? Just be real sweet. Just remember, He knows all about it.

121 So, sister, or brother, whoever it might be, or brother, it is here, ’cause he asked about his wife, you just be salty; she’ll get thirsty if there’s anything in her to thirst for. If it isn’t, remember, if you got the wrong person, you’ll get the right one in the Millennium. You just keep on going; all wrongs will be made right there.

64-0830M - Questions And Answers #3
Rev. William Marrion Branham

    Q&A "How am I supposed to show my wife that I really care for her" - William Branham

    64-0830M - Questions And Answers #3
    330. Brother Branham, how am I supposed to show my wife that I really care for her and yet play…or stay with the Word (That’s)—stay—stay with the Word, but still having a question like this said: “Why don’t you practice what you preach or believe?”

    114 Well then, if the wife, if the wife is saying this to you when she’s…has a right to say it, you better get right. See, see? Then if she—if she is saying it just to be evil, remember, the Bible said, “It was better that a millstone was hanged at your neck and drowned in the depths of the sea than even to offend the least of these, my little ones.” Now, that’s just your…?…
    115 And may be that this wife is not that type of person. Maybe she’s a different. Maybe she’s a good person. Maybe she’s just testing you to see what you’ll do.

    116 Now, stay in love with her and let her see Jesus in you. You do that. See? You just go on. Some…I give a little illustration this morning about a person that…One time this little woman had—had received the Holy Ghost. She was a very sweet little person. They…She said…Well, she’d had a hard life, and her husband was an alcoholic. And so, she just kept on; she bore with him. He says, “You want to go to church, Honey, take off!” But now, he went down to the saloon, down at the old Brown Derby, down here. Going on. So they hung out down there all the time, used to be Bonifers. Many of you old-timers here remember when Bonifer had there on the corner of…It’s called Brown Derby now, I believe it is.

    117 So, hanging around down there, and the first thing you know, one night come up a question about church and about Christians. One of the old drunks setting there said, “There ain’t no such a thing as Christians anymore. And there is no such a thing. All this bunch of hypocrites,” said, “you see them out here smoking, drinking, doing the same thing that we do, and,” said, “call themselves Christians. There is no such.”
    118 This one drunk raised up and said, “Just a minute! There’s one that I know about.”
    Said, “Who is it?”

    Said, “It’s my wife.” See? She’d become salty. He was catching it all the time.
    He said, “I bet if she was put to a squeeze…”
    He said, “No, she’s still a Christian; I’ll prove it to you.” Said, “I tell you what let’s do; let’s go up home, and I’ll show you whether she’s a Christian or not.” Said, “Let’s go up home, and now, let’s really be drunk. We’re going to act like we’re really drunk.” Knocked at the door, come in staggering over everything and—and…“Why the chair setting around this way?” and everything. And she set them all a chair and (his guests, you know)—and tried to make them just as welcome as could be. Said, “I want you to fix us some supper.” And so they…She went out and fixed some. Said, “We want ham and eggs.” He knowed they had it, so they fixed the ham and eggs. When he got there at the table, he looked at them like that, picked up his plate, and slammed the stuff on the floor, said, “You know, I don’t like my eggs like that. Come on boys let’s get out of here anyhow,” like that—like that.

    119 They went out and set down like that, you know. And she come out; she said, “Dear, I’m—I’m sorry I didn’t get them fixed; I’ll fix some more for you.”

    120 “Oh, nonsense, you knowed I didn’t want them that way in the first place,” just carrying on like that. They went out there, and set down, and act like they was drunk. They heard her in there kind of snubbing to herself, singing real low voice:
    Must Jesus bear the cross alone,
    All the world go free?
    There’s a cross for everyone,
    And there’s a cross for me.
    This consecrated cross I’ll bear,
    Till death shall set me free.
    One drunk looked at the other one, said, “She’s a Christian; she’s got it!” And that little woman led her husband, plus these others to Christ that night. See? Why? See? Just be real sweet. Just remember, He knows all about it.

    121 So, sister, or brother, whoever it might be, or brother, it is here, ’cause he asked about his wife, you just be salty; she’ll get thirsty if there’s anything in her to thirst for. If it isn’t, remember, if you got the wrong person, you’ll get the right one in the Millennium. You just keep on going; all wrongs will be made right there.

    64-0830M - Questions And Answers #3
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

    105 6

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLkxwQkRPV2dCb1dr

    Q&A "How am I supposed to show my wife that I really care for her" - William Branham


    The Gospel in the anatomy and physiology of our bodies..

1 Corinthians 12:12-27 KJV
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: and those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked: that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

    The Gospel in the anatomy and physiology of our bodies..

    1 Corinthians 12:12-27 KJV
    For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: and those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked: that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

    54 7

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLnNVXzdVM0h6TE93

    The Gospel in the anatomy and physiology of our bodies..


    ♪♫ If We Never Meet Again ♫♪ | Hadassah Elkins

"If We Never Meet Again This Side Of Heaven"
Soon we’ll come to the end of life’s journey
And perhaps we’ll never meet anymore
‘Til we gather in heaven’s bright city
Far away on that beautiful shore

If we never meet again this side of heaven
As we struggle through this world and its strife
There’s another meeting place somewhere in heaven
By the river of life

Where the charming roses bloom forever
And where separation come no more
If we never meet again this side of heaven
I will meet you on that beautiful shore

Oh so often we are parted with sorrow
And action often quietens our pain
But we never shall sorrow in heaven
God be with you till we meet again

"In The Sweet By and By"
There's a land that is fairer than day
And by faith we can see it afar
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there

In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore

We shall sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blessed
And our spirit shall sorrow no more
Not a sign for the blessing of rest

In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore

In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore
In the sweet by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore

Source: Jeff Elkins production

    ♪♫ If We Never Meet Again ♫♪ | Hadassah Elkins

    "If We Never Meet Again This Side Of Heaven"
    Soon we’ll come to the end of life’s journey
    And perhaps we’ll never meet anymore
    ‘Til we gather in heaven’s bright city
    Far away on that beautiful shore

    If we never meet again this side of heaven
    As we struggle through this world and its strife
    There’s another meeting place somewhere in heaven
    By the river of life

    Where the charming roses bloom forever
    And where separation come no more
    If we never meet again this side of heaven
    I will meet you on that beautiful shore

    Oh so often we are parted with sorrow
    And action often quietens our pain
    But we never shall sorrow in heaven
    God be with you till we meet again

    "In The Sweet By and By"
    There's a land that is fairer than day
    And by faith we can see it afar
    For the Father waits over the way
    To prepare us a dwelling place there

    In the sweet by and by
    We shall meet on that beautiful shore
    In the sweet by and by
    We shall meet on that beautiful shore

    We shall sing on that beautiful shore
    The melodious songs of the blessed
    And our spirit shall sorrow no more
    Not a sign for the blessing of rest

    In the sweet by and by
    We shall meet on that beautiful shore
    In the sweet by and by
    We shall meet on that beautiful shore

    In the sweet by and by
    We shall meet on that beautiful shore
    In the sweet by and by
    We shall meet on that beautiful shore

    Source: Jeff Elkins production

    105 7


    ♪♫ If We Never Meet Again ♫♪ | Hadassah Elkins


    Finding My Way Home - Testimony of Phillip Roncali


    🎶  I just wanna be a sheep 🎶 
[Verse 1]
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
 I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.

I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
sheep, baa baa baa baa.

[verse 2]
I don't wanna be a hypocrite.
I don't wanna be a hypocrite.
'Cause they're not hip with it,
I don't wanna be a hypocrite.

I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.

[verse 3]
I don't wanna be a Pharisee.
I don't wanna be a Pharisee.
'Cause they're not fair, ya see?
I don't wanna be a Pharisee.

I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.

[verse 4]
I don't wanna be a Sadducee.
I don't wanna be a Sadducee.
'Cause they're so sad, ya see?
I don't wanna be a Sadducee.

[verse 5]
I just want to be a Child of God
I just want to be a Child of God
Walkin the same path he trod
I just want to be a Child of God

I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.

John10:3 - To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

John 10:14-16 - I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

John10:27- My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

    🎶 I just wanna be a sheep 🎶
    [Verse 1]
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.

    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
    sheep, baa baa baa baa.

    [verse 2]
    I don't wanna be a hypocrite.
    I don't wanna be a hypocrite.
    'Cause they're not hip with it,
    I don't wanna be a hypocrite.

    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.

    [verse 3]
    I don't wanna be a Pharisee.
    I don't wanna be a Pharisee.
    'Cause they're not fair, ya see?
    I don't wanna be a Pharisee.

    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.

    [verse 4]
    I don't wanna be a Sadducee.
    I don't wanna be a Sadducee.
    'Cause they're so sad, ya see?
    I don't wanna be a Sadducee.

    [verse 5]
    I just want to be a Child of God
    I just want to be a Child of God
    Walkin the same path he trod
    I just want to be a Child of God

    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.
    I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
    I just wanna be a sheep, baa baa baa baa.

    John10:3 - To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

    John 10:14-16 - I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

    John10:27- My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

    94 9

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLkF5T251bXhnMDlv

    🎶 I just wanna be a sheep 🎶


    No Room For The King Of Kings (Christmas Video 2023)

60-1225  GOD'S.WRAPPED.GIFT - Brother William Branham
«  43       †        Way into the East, and many hundreds of miles away from there, the Magi were already on their road. They'd seen His Star, and was coming to worship God's little Gift Package that He was sending to the world.
Just a little while from then, and the world was going to receive its greatest Gift that it ever received, a little Package wrapped up, a little, first little Christmas Package that was ever wrapped in all the world, God wrapped It up.
I want to break in on my thought, and say this. The greatest thing was ever wrapped in human flesh was wrapped in It, God Himself wrapped His Ownself in a Christmas Package and sent it to the world.
Why did they refuse It? Why couldn't they see It? Why did they turn It down? Why is it they didn't want It? The same reason they don't want It tonight. It wasn't handed to them in the custom that they were used to gifts being handed. That's the reason It's rejected yet tonight, is because It's not handed to the people in the custom that they have been used to receiving gifts.
But God wrapped His Own Package. He's got a right to do it; He's the One that's a-giving It. He has a right to wrap It any way He wants to wrap It. Doesn't make any difference how it is, He's got a right to do it, because He's the One that's giving the--the Gift.

«  47       †        Another thing, the reason of it was, as it was then, so as it wasn't customary for them to receive It the way It was wrapped. They was expecting something, a gift coming, that would come down on chariots, with a Angel escort driving fiery horses. But when It come as a little Baby being born in a manger, little did they ever know the Scripture said, "I'll give this world a super sign."
They asked for a sign one day. He said, "I'll give it to you. It will be the super sign. It'll be a sign that'll last through all ages. A virgin shall conceive and shall bear a Child, a Son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel. That's the super sign. That's the Gift that I'm going to give." But It didn't come the way they was expecting It, and they turned It down.

«  49       †        So is it tonight, my brother. God's Gift hasn't come the way people wanted It to come, and so they've turned It down. They don't want It. They want It wrapped in the kind of a goods that they want to wrap It in. They want the tinsel on It. They want something flowery, something that's perfumed, something that's glittering, something that's classic. But God don't send It all the time like that. He sends It in the power, the way He wants to send It.

«  50       †        Another thing, It was brought by the poor. Mary and Martha, or Martha, rather, or... Mary and Joseph was very poor people. They were peasants. And because It was brought by the poor, they didn't want It.
So is it today. When this great Gift of the Church, the Holy Spirit, falls upon the poor and humble, the rich don't want It. They don't want to humble themselves. They want It with class, but they don't want It the way God sends It. Many people wants to receive the Holy Ghost, but--but they want to get It the way they want It. But, oh, I'm so glad that you can't do it that way. You have to do it the way God sends It to you, and humble ourselves to receive It.

«  52       †        It wasn't wrapped in fine linens. It was wrapped in swaddling cloth. Which I'm taught that the very thing that Jesus was wrapped in, the Christ, was the stuff off the back of a yoke of an ox, that was hanging in the stable. He was wrapped in... The swaddling cloth was the--the--where they put the--a rag around the ox's yoke to keep it from rubbing a blister on him when he was pulling. They--they had no clothes for Him. And they... Oh, when I think of that, it nearly breaks my heart: no clothes for Emmanuel, the Creator of heavens and earth. And no clothes for Him to put on, and had to be wrapped in the rag that an ox had worked his neck through. Oh, what a super sign.

    No Room For The King Of Kings (Christmas Video 2023)

    60-1225 GOD'S.WRAPPED.GIFT - Brother William Branham
    « 43 † Way into the East, and many hundreds of miles away from there, the Magi were already on their road. They'd seen His Star, and was coming to worship God's little Gift Package that He was sending to the world.
    Just a little while from then, and the world was going to receive its greatest Gift that it ever received, a little Package wrapped up, a little, first little Christmas Package that was ever wrapped in all the world, God wrapped It up.
    I want to break in on my thought, and say this. The greatest thing was ever wrapped in human flesh was wrapped in It, God Himself wrapped His Ownself in a Christmas Package and sent it to the world.
    Why did they refuse It? Why couldn't they see It? Why did they turn It down? Why is it they didn't want It? The same reason they don't want It tonight. It wasn't handed to them in the custom that they were used to gifts being handed. That's the reason It's rejected yet tonight, is because It's not handed to the people in the custom that they have been used to receiving gifts.
    But God wrapped His Own Package. He's got a right to do it; He's the One that's a-giving It. He has a right to wrap It any way He wants to wrap It. Doesn't make any difference how it is, He's got a right to do it, because He's the One that's giving the--the Gift.

    « 47 † Another thing, the reason of it was, as it was then, so as it wasn't customary for them to receive It the way It was wrapped. They was expecting something, a gift coming, that would come down on chariots, with a Angel escort driving fiery horses. But when It come as a little Baby being born in a manger, little did they ever know the Scripture said, "I'll give this world a super sign."
    They asked for a sign one day. He said, "I'll give it to you. It will be the super sign. It'll be a sign that'll last through all ages. A virgin shall conceive and shall bear a Child, a Son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel. That's the super sign. That's the Gift that I'm going to give." But It didn't come the way they was expecting It, and they turned It down.

    « 49 † So is it tonight, my brother. God's Gift hasn't come the way people wanted It to come, and so they've turned It down. They don't want It. They want It wrapped in the kind of a goods that they want to wrap It in. They want the tinsel on It. They want something flowery, something that's perfumed, something that's glittering, something that's classic. But God don't send It all the time like that. He sends It in the power, the way He wants to send It.

    « 50 † Another thing, It was brought by the poor. Mary and Martha, or Martha, rather, or... Mary and Joseph was very poor people. They were peasants. And because It was brought by the poor, they didn't want It.
    So is it today. When this great Gift of the Church, the Holy Spirit, falls upon the poor and humble, the rich don't want It. They don't want to humble themselves. They want It with class, but they don't want It the way God sends It. Many people wants to receive the Holy Ghost, but--but they want to get It the way they want It. But, oh, I'm so glad that you can't do it that way. You have to do it the way God sends It to you, and humble ourselves to receive It.

    « 52 † It wasn't wrapped in fine linens. It was wrapped in swaddling cloth. Which I'm taught that the very thing that Jesus was wrapped in, the Christ, was the stuff off the back of a yoke of an ox, that was hanging in the stable. He was wrapped in... The swaddling cloth was the--the--where they put the--a rag around the ox's yoke to keep it from rubbing a blister on him when he was pulling. They--they had no clothes for Him. And they... Oh, when I think of that, it nearly breaks my heart: no clothes for Emmanuel, the Creator of heavens and earth. And no clothes for Him to put on, and had to be wrapped in the rag that an ox had worked his neck through. Oh, what a super sign.

    62 6

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLlpXeFdOb0syZTNV

    No Room For The King Of Kings (Christmas Video 2023)


    #praise #worship  #jesus 

🎵"Praise You In This Storm"🎶 (Sung by Jeremy Shreiner)

[Verse 1]
I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say amen
And it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I'll raise my hands
And praise the God who gives
And takes away

And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

[Verse 2]
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
And raised me up again
But my strength is almost gone
How can I carry on if I can't find You?

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I'll raise my hands
And praise the God who gives
And takes away

And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

    #praise #worship #jesus

    🎵"Praise You In This Storm"🎶 (Sung by Jeremy Shreiner)

    [Verse 1]
    I was sure by now
    That You would have reached down
    And wiped our tears away
    Stepped in and saved the day
    But once again, I say amen
    And it's still raining

    As the thunder rolls
    I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
    "I'm with you"
    And as Your mercy falls
    I'll raise my hands
    And praise the God who gives
    And takes away

    And I'll praise You in this storm
    And I will lift my hands
    For You are who You are
    No matter where I am
    And every tear I've cried
    You hold in Your hand
    You never left my side
    And though my heart is torn
    I will praise You in this storm

    [Verse 2]
    I remember when I stumbled in the wind
    You heard my cry to You
    And raised me up again
    But my strength is almost gone
    How can I carry on if I can't find You?

    As the thunder rolls
    I barely hear You whisper through the rain
    "I'm with you"
    And as Your mercy falls
    I'll raise my hands
    And praise the God who gives
    And takes away

    And I'll praise You in this storm
    And I will lift my hands
    For You are who You are
    No matter where I am
    And every tear I've cried
    You hold in Your hand
    You never left my side
    And though my heart is torn
    I will praise You in this storm

    I lift my eyes unto the hills
    Where does my help come from?
    My help comes from the Lord
    The Maker of Heaven and Earth
    I lift my eyes unto the hills
    Where does my help come from?
    My help comes from the Lord
    The Maker of Heaven and Earth

    And I'll praise You in this storm
    And I will lift my hands
    For You are who You are
    No matter where I am
    And every tear I've cried
    You hold in Your hand
    You never left my side
    And though my heart is torn
    I will praise You in this storm
    And though my heart is torn
    I will praise You in this storm

    110 12

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLkZuLWs0WktRQ1kw

    🎵"Praise You In This Storm"🎶 (Sung by Jeremy Shreiner)


    #worship #music #praiseandworship 
MB Youth Choir: Live In Atlanta 

The Virtual Choir and friends traveled down to Atlanta, Georgia to host their 3rd Night of Worship —

With Choir director:  Lys Paul Lukuka & 

Guest singers: Bro Isiah Brooks, Bro Jack Duff, Bro Oba Walker, Bro Michael Peters, Bro Wesley VanWyk

It was a night to remember! We want to give a special thank you to Pastor / Bro Daniel Gissendaner of Word Of Life Church. 

Their church made us feel like home it was an incredible weekend! Filled with music, laughter, great food! 

Special thanks to Daniel Bishop and crew (Heaven Sent Pro) Mixing and Mastering, and video — 

Choir conductors: Victoria Adimora, Melissa Makanza

Very special thank you to every single choir member… your time your sacrifice & dedication has blessed so many people!! 

Where to next? Follow Us On Instagram (@mbvirtualchoir ) and Subscribe to Our YouTube Page — Message Believers Youth Choir

0:00 Introduction
4:08 When The Saints Go To Worship
11:07 Fire/Can't Nobody Do Me Like Jesus
19:59 Bro Jack introducing Bro Oba Walker
21:40 Sound of Freedom
29:36 Bro Wesley's introduction
30:35 Turn Up My Praise
38:41 Ozali Mokonzi ya Bakonzi/Jehovah is Your Name/When I remember
50:28 Old Gospel Hymn Medley/I'm a Soldier
1:10:28 By His Word
1:17:55 I Got My Mind Made Up
1:22:11 So Long Bye Bye
1:28:34 Willing Vessel
1:36:41 Goodness of God
1:55:48 Lord You Are Good
2:01:58 King Of Glory
2:09:33 There's No One Like Jesus/Cast Your Burdens
2:18:09 Closing Prayer

    #worship #music #praiseandworship
    MB Youth Choir: Live In Atlanta

    The Virtual Choir and friends traveled down to Atlanta, Georgia to host their 3rd Night of Worship —

    With Choir director: Lys Paul Lukuka &

    Guest singers: Bro Isiah Brooks, Bro Jack Duff, Bro Oba Walker, Bro Michael Peters, Bro Wesley VanWyk

    It was a night to remember! We want to give a special thank you to Pastor / Bro Daniel Gissendaner of Word Of Life Church.

    Their church made us feel like home it was an incredible weekend! Filled with music, laughter, great food!

    Special thanks to Daniel Bishop and crew (Heaven Sent Pro) Mixing and Mastering, and video —

    Choir conductors: Victoria Adimora, Melissa Makanza

    Very special thank you to every single choir member… your time your sacrifice & dedication has blessed so many people!!

    Where to next? Follow Us On Instagram (@mbvirtualchoir ) and Subscribe to Our YouTube Page — Message Believers Youth Choir

    0:00 Introduction
    4:08 When The Saints Go To Worship
    11:07 Fire/Can't Nobody Do Me Like Jesus
    19:59 Bro Jack introducing Bro Oba Walker
    21:40 Sound of Freedom
    29:36 Bro Wesley's introduction
    30:35 Turn Up My Praise
    38:41 Ozali Mokonzi ya Bakonzi/Jehovah is Your Name/When I remember
    50:28 Old Gospel Hymn Medley/I'm a Soldier
    1:10:28 By His Word
    1:17:55 I Got My Mind Made Up
    1:22:11 So Long Bye Bye
    1:28:34 Willing Vessel
    1:36:41 Goodness of God
    1:55:48 Lord You Are Good
    2:01:58 King Of Glory
    2:09:33 There's No One Like Jesus/Cast Your Burdens
    2:18:09 Closing Prayer

    56 0

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLms1WUd5OW96eEVR

    2023 Night of Worship Live in Atlanta by MB Youth Choir


    #relationship #maturity #jesus 
"'Don't Make Friends Into Enemies" - Chad Lamb

"See where we where we make our huge mistakes is where when we believe that we've come to maturity before we've come to maturity and we believe that we're just sitting in the church with the revelation of maturity and we're waiting for everybody else to catch up so we can all go home that's where we make a huge mistake sometimes

"..and sometimes the one who feels they're the most mature is the one who's actually the one who's suffering the most from pride and fear and self-preservation sometimes we're blind we see everything else well I don't say sometimes in reality we see everything else but the thing we miss is ourselves.."

"That's where the greatest blindness is, the greatest blindness in our eyes is when we can't see ourselves it's amazing sometimes the most perfect people I ever meet are surrounded by flawed people and they know the flaws of everybody else but they don't realize that everybody else can see theirs so praise God when God begins to reveal them to us one by one we can say God I want to die to that I want to lay that down Lord I'm tired of defending myself I'm wore out with saving a reputation I have no reputation I don't want no reputation I don't I don't want a reputation because if I have a reputation then I have to defend a reputation I'm too tired to defend a reputation

I just want to surrender and let God do whatever he wants to do and whatever anybody else thinks and whatever conclusion they want to come up with about me and about my life amen"

    #relationship #maturity #jesus
    "'Don't Make Friends Into Enemies" - Chad Lamb

    "See where we where we make our huge mistakes is where when we believe that we've come to maturity before we've come to maturity and we believe that we're just sitting in the church with the revelation of maturity and we're waiting for everybody else to catch up so we can all go home that's where we make a huge mistake sometimes

    "..and sometimes the one who feels they're the most mature is the one who's actually the one who's suffering the most from pride and fear and self-preservation sometimes we're blind we see everything else well I don't say sometimes in reality we see everything else but the thing we miss is ourselves.."

    "That's where the greatest blindness is, the greatest blindness in our eyes is when we can't see ourselves it's amazing sometimes the most perfect people I ever meet are surrounded by flawed people and they know the flaws of everybody else but they don't realize that everybody else can see theirs so praise God when God begins to reveal them to us one by one we can say God I want to die to that I want to lay that down Lord I'm tired of defending myself I'm wore out with saving a reputation I have no reputation I don't want no reputation I don't I don't want a reputation because if I have a reputation then I have to defend a reputation I'm too tired to defend a reputation

    I just want to surrender and let God do whatever he wants to do and whatever anybody else thinks and whatever conclusion they want to come up with about me and about my life amen"

    71 11

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLllhRkk0ckIzVzcw

    "Don't Make Friends Into Enemies" - Chad Lamb


    #overcomebitterness #Jesus #deliverance 
How To Uproot Bitterness (20min Bible Study) - Bob Black
"Bitterness is like a rock thrown into a placid pond; after its initial splash it sends out circular ripples that affect the whole pond." - Max Lucado

"The more bitterness you have in your heart, the less room there is for the Spirit of God. Unforgiveness chokes out the life of God.“ - Charles Spurgeon

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.“ - CS Lewis

HEBREWS 12:14-17  Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:  Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED - Stay right together. If the brother, you think he's a little wrong, or the sister, say, "Lord, don't let me never have the root of bitterness spring up, 'cause it'll affect him, and it'll take the Christ right out of my life." That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you. It will run Him from the tabernacle here. It'll kill the Spirit of God, or drive It away from here, hurt you pastor. It'll do everything. See? Don't you do that.

Bitterness: anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly;resentment.
Lack of Love, Lack of Self Worth, Lack of Respect, Lack of Fidelity, Lack of Clothes or Food, Lack of Human Connection, Lack of Success, Lack of Acceptance,  Unrealistic expectations are premeditated resentments

Be a Healthy ‘Cell’ in the Body
A cancer comes from a bruise. A bruised cell, usually is where it's comes from. The cell is bruised. All mashed up. And that cau--it's otherwise, the cell is backslidden.

Hurt or Disappointment: Bitterness often stems from a hurtful experience, such as betrayal, rejection, or disappointment. This initial emotional injury can lead to feelings of resentment.

Resentment: As the hurt lingers, it can turn into ongoing resentment. The person may dwell on the perceived injustice and harbor negative feelings towards the person or situation involved.

Rumination: Bitterness can lead to constant rumination, where the person repeatedly replays the hurtful event in their mind. This rumination can intensify the negative emotions and reinforce the bitterness.

Grudge-Holding: Grudges are prolonged feelings of bitterness. The person holds onto the negative emotions over time, which can have a corrosive effect on their mental and emotional well-being.

Manipulation: Bitterness might lead to manipulative behavior, where the person tries to control situations or people to gain a sense of power or revenge.

Escalation to Hurtful Behavior: In extreme cases, bitterness can escalate to hurtful behavior, including spreading rumors, gossip, or engaging in actions meant to harm the source of bitterness.

Self-Destructive Behavior: The internal turmoil caused by bitterness can lead to self-destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse, self-isolation, or neglecting one's well-being.

1. Don't Let It Take Root - (Proverbs 17:14) "The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.“

2. Acknowledge Your Feelings - (Proverbs 14:10) - "The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.“  Hebrews 12:15 - "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.“  

3. Seek Forgiveness: - (Colossians 3:13) - "Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.“

4. Practice Gratitude - (Thessalonians 5:18) - "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.“

5. Let Go and Let God - (Romans 12:19) - Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

6. Cultivate a Forgiving Heart - (Matthew 6:14-15) - "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.“

What is Forgiveness?
- Pardoning someone for a wrongdoing or offense and choosing not to hold their actions against them.
 - Letting go of negative feelings, resentments, and the desire for revenge or retaliation toward someone who has wronged you.
- An intentional decision to let go of resentment and anger.

Colossians 3:12-13
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

    #overcomebitterness #Jesus #deliverance
    How To Uproot Bitterness (20min Bible Study) - Bob Black
    "Bitterness is like a rock thrown into a placid pond; after its initial splash it sends out circular ripples that affect the whole pond." - Max Lucado

    "The more bitterness you have in your heart, the less room there is for the Spirit of God. Unforgiveness chokes out the life of God.“ - Charles Spurgeon

    "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.“ - CS Lewis

    HEBREWS 12:14-17 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

    63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED - Stay right together. If the brother, you think he's a little wrong, or the sister, say, "Lord, don't let me never have the root of bitterness spring up, 'cause it'll affect him, and it'll take the Christ right out of my life." That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you. It will run Him from the tabernacle here. It'll kill the Spirit of God, or drive It away from here, hurt you pastor. It'll do everything. See? Don't you do that.

    Bitterness: anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly;resentment.
    Lack of Love, Lack of Self Worth, Lack of Respect, Lack of Fidelity, Lack of Clothes or Food, Lack of Human Connection, Lack of Success, Lack of Acceptance, Unrealistic expectations are premeditated resentments

    Be a Healthy ‘Cell’ in the Body
    A cancer comes from a bruise. A bruised cell, usually is where it's comes from. The cell is bruised. All mashed up. And that cau--it's otherwise, the cell is backslidden.

    Hurt or Disappointment: Bitterness often stems from a hurtful experience, such as betrayal, rejection, or disappointment. This initial emotional injury can lead to feelings of resentment.

    Resentment: As the hurt lingers, it can turn into ongoing resentment. The person may dwell on the perceived injustice and harbor negative feelings towards the person or situation involved.

    Rumination: Bitterness can lead to constant rumination, where the person repeatedly replays the hurtful event in their mind. This rumination can intensify the negative emotions and reinforce the bitterness.

    Grudge-Holding: Grudges are prolonged feelings of bitterness. The person holds onto the negative emotions over time, which can have a corrosive effect on their mental and emotional well-being.

    Manipulation: Bitterness might lead to manipulative behavior, where the person tries to control situations or people to gain a sense of power or revenge.

    Escalation to Hurtful Behavior: In extreme cases, bitterness can escalate to hurtful behavior, including spreading rumors, gossip, or engaging in actions meant to harm the source of bitterness.

    Self-Destructive Behavior: The internal turmoil caused by bitterness can lead to self-destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse, self-isolation, or neglecting one's well-being.

    1. Don't Let It Take Root - (Proverbs 17:14) "The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.“

    2. Acknowledge Your Feelings - (Proverbs 14:10) - "The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.“ Hebrews 12:15 - "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.“

    3. Seek Forgiveness: - (Colossians 3:13) - "Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.“

    4. Practice Gratitude - (Thessalonians 5:18) - "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.“

    5. Let Go and Let God - (Romans 12:19) - Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

    6. Cultivate a Forgiving Heart - (Matthew 6:14-15) - "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.“

    What is Forgiveness?
    - Pardoning someone for a wrongdoing or offense and choosing not to hold their actions against them.
    - Letting go of negative feelings, resentments, and the desire for revenge or retaliation toward someone who has wronged you.
    - An intentional decision to let go of resentment and anger.

    Colossians 3:12-13
    Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

    52 7

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLllXTkFMQ2FyRTY0

    How To Uproot Bitterness (20min Bible Study) - Bob Black


    Nicholas Winton was born Nicholas Wertheimer on May 19, 1909, in West Hampstead, England, and baptized as a member of the Anglican Church by decision of his parents who were of German Jewish ancestry. He was a stockbroker by profession.

In December 1938, Martin Blake, a friend and an instructional master at the Westminster School in London, asked Winton to forego his planned ski vacation and visit him in Czechoslovakia, where he had traveled in his capacity as an associate of the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia. This committee had been established in October 1938 to provide assistance for refugees created by the German annexation of the Sudeten regions under the terms of the Munich Pact. Convinced that a European war was imminent, Winton decided to go. In Prague, Blake introduced Winton to his colleague, Doreen Wariner, and arranged for him to visit refugee camps filled to capacity with Jews and political opponents from the Sudetenland. View This Term in the Glossary

After Munich, Winton had been certain that the Germans would occupy the rest of Bohemia and Moravia before long. He had been alarmed further by the violence against the Jewish community in Germany and Austria during the Kristallnacht riots in November 1938. When he heard of subsequent efforts of Jewish agencies in Britain to rescue German and Austrian Jewish children on the so-called Kindertransport, an effort that eventually brought about 10,000 unaccompanied children to safety in Great Britain, Winton summoned a small group of people to organize a similar rescue operation for children imperiled by the impending German dismemberment of Czechoslovakia in March 1939.

Winton immediately established a Children's Section and, using the name of the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia, initially without authorization, began taking applications from parents at his hotel in Prague. As his operation expanded, he opened an office in central Prague. Soon, thousands of parents lined up outside of Winton's Children Section's office seeking a safe haven for their children.

Winton returned to London to organize the rescue operation on that end. He raised money to fund the transports of the children and the 50 pound per child guarantee demanded by the British government to fund the children's eventual departure from Britain. He also had to find British families willing to care for the refugee children. By day, Winton worked at his regular job on the Stock Exchange, and then devoted late afternoons and evenings to his rescue efforts. He made a great effort to raise money and find foster homes to bring as many children as possible to safety.

The first transport of children organized by Winton left Prague by plane for London on March 14, 1939, the day before the Germans occupied the Czech lands. After the Germans established a Protectorate in the Czech provinces of Bohemia and Moravia, Winton organized seven further transports that departed by rail out of Prague and across Germany to the Atlantic Coast, then by ship across the English Channel to Britain. At the train station in London, British foster parents waited to collect the children. The last trainload of children left Prague on August 2, 1939. Rescue activities ceased when Germany invaded Poland and Britain declared war in Germany in early September 1939.

The total number of children rescued through Winton's efforts is not yet certain. According to a scrapbook he kept, 664 children came to Great Britain on transports that he organized. In the research compiled for the documentary “The Power of Good: Nicholas Winton,” aired on Czech television in 2002, researchers identified five additional persons who entered Britain on a Winton-financed transport, bringing the official number to 669 children. The available information indicates that some children who were rescued have not yet been identified.

After the war, Nicholas Winton's rescue efforts remained virtually unknown. It was not until 1988, when his wife Grete found a scrapbook from 1939 with all the children's photos and a complete list of names of those rescued that Winton's rescue efforts became known. Winton since received a letter of thanks from the late Ezer Weizman, former president of the State of Israel, and was made an honorary citizen of Prague in the independent Czech Republic. In 2002, Winton received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to humanity.


    Nicholas Winton was born Nicholas Wertheimer on May 19, 1909, in West Hampstead, England, and baptized as a member of the Anglican Church by decision of his parents who were of German Jewish ancestry. He was a stockbroker by profession.

    In December 1938, Martin Blake, a friend and an instructional master at the Westminster School in London, asked Winton to forego his planned ski vacation and visit him in Czechoslovakia, where he had traveled in his capacity as an associate of the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia. This committee had been established in October 1938 to provide assistance for refugees created by the German annexation of the Sudeten regions under the terms of the Munich Pact. Convinced that a European war was imminent, Winton decided to go. In Prague, Blake introduced Winton to his colleague, Doreen Wariner, and arranged for him to visit refugee camps filled to capacity with Jews and political opponents from the Sudetenland. View This Term in the Glossary

    After Munich, Winton had been certain that the Germans would occupy the rest of Bohemia and Moravia before long. He had been alarmed further by the violence against the Jewish community in Germany and Austria during the Kristallnacht riots in November 1938. When he heard of subsequent efforts of Jewish agencies in Britain to rescue German and Austrian Jewish children on the so-called Kindertransport, an effort that eventually brought about 10,000 unaccompanied children to safety in Great Britain, Winton summoned a small group of people to organize a similar rescue operation for children imperiled by the impending German dismemberment of Czechoslovakia in March 1939.

    Winton immediately established a Children's Section and, using the name of the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia, initially without authorization, began taking applications from parents at his hotel in Prague. As his operation expanded, he opened an office in central Prague. Soon, thousands of parents lined up outside of Winton's Children Section's office seeking a safe haven for their children.

    Winton returned to London to organize the rescue operation on that end. He raised money to fund the transports of the children and the 50 pound per child guarantee demanded by the British government to fund the children's eventual departure from Britain. He also had to find British families willing to care for the refugee children. By day, Winton worked at his regular job on the Stock Exchange, and then devoted late afternoons and evenings to his rescue efforts. He made a great effort to raise money and find foster homes to bring as many children as possible to safety.

    The first transport of children organized by Winton left Prague by plane for London on March 14, 1939, the day before the Germans occupied the Czech lands. After the Germans established a Protectorate in the Czech provinces of Bohemia and Moravia, Winton organized seven further transports that departed by rail out of Prague and across Germany to the Atlantic Coast, then by ship across the English Channel to Britain. At the train station in London, British foster parents waited to collect the children. The last trainload of children left Prague on August 2, 1939. Rescue activities ceased when Germany invaded Poland and Britain declared war in Germany in early September 1939.

    The total number of children rescued through Winton's efforts is not yet certain. According to a scrapbook he kept, 664 children came to Great Britain on transports that he organized. In the research compiled for the documentary “The Power of Good: Nicholas Winton,” aired on Czech television in 2002, researchers identified five additional persons who entered Britain on a Winton-financed transport, bringing the official number to 669 children. The available information indicates that some children who were rescued have not yet been identified.

    After the war, Nicholas Winton's rescue efforts remained virtually unknown. It was not until 1988, when his wife Grete found a scrapbook from 1939 with all the children's photos and a complete list of names of those rescued that Winton's rescue efforts became known. Winton since received a letter of thanks from the late Ezer Weizman, former president of the State of Israel, and was made an honorary citizen of Prague in the independent Czech Republic. In 2002, Winton received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to humanity.


    132 5

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLnJFWFpBTXdoT3A0

    The Story of Sir Nicholas Winton and Rescue of Children from the Holocaust of World War II


    The Images of Jesus Christ.. HE is.. So We Can Understand (J.John)

The Bible records in the gospels, different pictures and different images of Jesus to help different people, different cultures understand who he is. 

He is the Bread of Life so that bakers can understand. 
He is the Creator so that artists can understand. 
He is the Water of Life so that plumbers can understand.  
He is the Light of the World so that electricians can understand. 
He is the Firstborn so that pediatricians can understand.  
He is the Chief Cornerstone so that architects can understand. 
He is the Foundation Stone so that builders can understand. 
He is the Morning Star so that astronomers can understand. 
He is the Hidden Treasure so that bankers can understand.
He is Life so that biologists can understand. 
He is the Door so that carpenters can understand.  
He is the Great Physician so that doctors and nurses can understand. 
He is the Good Teacher so that educators can understand. 
He is the Lily of the Valley so that florists can understand.  
He is the Rose of Sharon so that gardeners can understand. 
He is the Rock of Ages so that geologists can understand. 
He is the True Vine so that horticulturalists can understand. 
He is the Bridegroom so that wedding planners can understand. 
He is the Righteous One so that judges can understand. 
He is the Advocate so that lawyers can understand. 
He is the Judge so that criminals can understand. 
He is the Pearl of Great Price so that jewelers can understand.
He is Wisdom so that philosophers can understand. 
He is the Wonderful Counsellor so that psychotherapists can understand.  
He is the Word so that lexicographers can understand. 
He is the Good Shepherd so that farmers can understand. 
He is the Captain so that the Navy  and the Army can understand. 
He is the Alpha and the Omega so that scientists can understand. 
He is Wind so that meteorologists can understand. 
He is the Way so that cartographers can understand. 
He is the Deliverer so that postmen can understand.  
He is the Mediator so that United Nations can understand.
He is the Lion of Judah so that zookeepers can understand.
He is the Lamb so that vets can understand. 
He is the Resurrection so that undertakers can understand.
He is the Rider on the White Horse so that jockeys can understand.
He is the Indescribable Gift so that shoppers can understand.
He is Refuge so that refugees can understand. 
He is Shelter so that homeless people can understand.
He is the Father so the orphans can understand.
He is the Truth so that politicians can understand.

Jesus is the One.

The Bible says, 'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.  

- J.John (Revd Canon) an evangelist for the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    The Images of Jesus Christ.. HE is.. So We Can Understand (J.John)

    The Bible records in the gospels, different pictures and different images of Jesus to help different people, different cultures understand who he is.

    He is the Bread of Life so that bakers can understand.
    He is the Creator so that artists can understand.
    He is the Water of Life so that plumbers can understand.
    He is the Light of the World so that electricians can understand.
    He is the Firstborn so that pediatricians can understand.
    He is the Chief Cornerstone so that architects can understand.
    He is the Foundation Stone so that builders can understand.
    He is the Morning Star so that astronomers can understand.
    He is the Hidden Treasure so that bankers can understand.
    He is Life so that biologists can understand.
    He is the Door so that carpenters can understand.
    He is the Great Physician so that doctors and nurses can understand.
    He is the Good Teacher so that educators can understand.
    He is the Lily of the Valley so that florists can understand.
    He is the Rose of Sharon so that gardeners can understand.
    He is the Rock of Ages so that geologists can understand.
    He is the True Vine so that horticulturalists can understand.
    He is the Bridegroom so that wedding planners can understand.
    He is the Righteous One so that judges can understand.
    He is the Advocate so that lawyers can understand.
    He is the Judge so that criminals can understand.
    He is the Pearl of Great Price so that jewelers can understand.
    He is Wisdom so that philosophers can understand.
    He is the Wonderful Counsellor so that psychotherapists can understand.
    He is the Word so that lexicographers can understand.
    He is the Good Shepherd so that farmers can understand.
    He is the Captain so that the Navy and the Army can understand.
    He is the Alpha and the Omega so that scientists can understand.
    He is Wind so that meteorologists can understand.
    He is the Way so that cartographers can understand.
    He is the Deliverer so that postmen can understand.
    He is the Mediator so that United Nations can understand.
    He is the Lion of Judah so that zookeepers can understand.
    He is the Lamb so that vets can understand.
    He is the Resurrection so that undertakers can understand.
    He is the Rider on the White Horse so that jockeys can understand.
    He is the Indescribable Gift so that shoppers can understand.
    He is Refuge so that refugees can understand.
    He is Shelter so that homeless people can understand.
    He is the Father so the orphans can understand.
    He is the Truth so that politicians can understand.

    Jesus is the One.

    The Bible says, 'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.

    - J.John (Revd Canon) an evangelist for the Gospel of Jesus Christ

    52 4

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLkZRWFNybWFpVDM0

    HE is the... So We Can Understand - (Images of Jesus - by J.John)


    #Jerusalem #Futurehome #Revelation 
The 12 Foundation Stones in New Jerusalem.. 😮 Wow!! 

"But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel."
- Hebrews 12:22-24 KJV

" Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth disappeared, and the sea vanished. The Spirit took control of me, and the angel carried me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down out of heaven from God and shining with the glory of God. The city shone like a precious stone, like a jasper, clear as crystal. The wall was made of jasper, and the city itself was made of pure gold, as clear as glass. The foundation stones of the city wall were adorned with all kinds of precious stones. The first foundation stone was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh yellow quartz, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chalcedony, the eleventh turquoise, the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls; each gate was made from a single pearl. The street of the city was of pure gold, transparent as glass."

    #Jerusalem #Futurehome #Revelation
    The 12 Foundation Stones in New Jerusalem.. 😮 Wow!!

    "But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel."
    - Hebrews 12:22-24 KJV

    " Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth disappeared, and the sea vanished. The Spirit took control of me, and the angel carried me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down out of heaven from God and shining with the glory of God. The city shone like a precious stone, like a jasper, clear as crystal. The wall was made of jasper, and the city itself was made of pure gold, as clear as glass. The foundation stones of the city wall were adorned with all kinds of precious stones. The first foundation stone was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh yellow quartz, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chalcedony, the eleventh turquoise, the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls; each gate was made from a single pearl. The street of the city was of pure gold, transparent as glass."

    409 27

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLmRLWkRwUlNBTTFr

    The 12 Foundation Stones in New Jerusalem.. 😮 Wow!!


    #LifeChoices #Choices #Character 

"What Choice Are You Making"  (Looking At The Unseen) - William Branham

Moses, when he was in Egypt, there he had a choice to make. One day while he was the great general in the army, he looked out of the same window that Pharaoh did. Pharaoh seen the Israelites as nothing but a bunch of mud daubers, just slaves. They were no good. All the Egyptians looked upon them the same, but Moses. Couldn't see no beauty in them, because they were ragged, they were poor, they were beaten. They were a rejected people by the world.

And Moses standing with his foot on the throne, and yet by faith, looking at the unseen. Moses refused to be the son of Pharaoh because he knowed he was the son of Abraham. Whew! Now, I know you know I'm a fanatic. I'm fanatically about one thing: that's Jesus Christ and His promises. Moses had rather be a son of Abraham than to be the son of Pharaoh! Why? He couldn't see it in the natural. If he was the son of Abraham, the mud pitch was for him, the slave's whip. What was it? But he had recompense to the reward, for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible, who made the promise. There you are.

What choice are you making tonight, here in Hollywood, and Los Angeles, the fashion place of the world, where the fine spires and the steeples and everything else? What choice are you making? Let me tell you, brother, sister, find that Holy Spirit that takes control in the heart and those pulsations begin to come that God is God, and the things of the world will perish. Then you walk after the things you don't see. You'll become crazy to the people of the world. They'll say, “Well, that woman's lost her mind. That man's gone off at the deep end. Why, he says that he's healed of cancer. Why, he's healed of his blindness. He's healed of this, that, or the other. Or he says that he's received the Holy Spirit, that's changed him. Why, he don't even associate in the poolroom no more. We don't find him at the card table. This woman don't play the cards no more. She quit wearing vulgar clothes. She become a new person, there's something wrong with her.” Sure. Something happened to her.

The old carnal mind died and the mind of Christ took the place in the woman's heart. And now she's walking, looking for a city where she will be popular, where she will ride on the chariots with the sons and daughters of God, where she will be a guest of the Lord Jesus forever. She's looking for a city whose builder and maker is God. She cares not about the pollution of the world. See, she's been enthroned by something else. God has come into her heart and it just blackened out the fashions of the world. That's first, when He takes control.

Then I want you to notice what Moses did when he got that vision of the unseen. Here he was standing, there was the throne, all of the world laid at his hand, every pretty thing that could happen. The Pharaoh of Egypt. And he had all the money, the women, the beautiful girls, and all the social, and all the popularity, and the gaiety of the world laid at his hand. But what did he look down in the mud pit? It could promise him nothing but poverty, a fall from the society that he was in, a turning his back upon the glaring things of the world. He had to go to the mud pits to become one of them.
I remember some time ago when a certain denominational church that I was ordained in said, “Billy, you go out with that bunch and you'll become a holy-roller.” But I looked out upon them, I seen a promise in them that they wasn't ashamed of the religion that they represented. I seen they were God's children. Called everything in the world, but I seen they were heirs of the promise; and I took my place with them to become one of them. Now, it ain't to sympathize with them, and say, “Oh, I think they're nice people.” That don't do no good, you've got to become one of them! Moses didn't say, “Now, I sympathize with my people. I think they're nice and everything, but I'm up here and they're down there.” No, Moses went to become one of them, because he endured as seeing Him who was invisible. He didn't walk by sight; he walked by faith, the unseen. Something happened to him.

William Branham
Looking At The Unseen
Los Angeles, California, USA

    #LifeChoices #Choices #Character

    "What Choice Are You Making" (Looking At The Unseen) - William Branham

    Moses, when he was in Egypt, there he had a choice to make. One day while he was the great general in the army, he looked out of the same window that Pharaoh did. Pharaoh seen the Israelites as nothing but a bunch of mud daubers, just slaves. They were no good. All the Egyptians looked upon them the same, but Moses. Couldn't see no beauty in them, because they were ragged, they were poor, they were beaten. They were a rejected people by the world.

    And Moses standing with his foot on the throne, and yet by faith, looking at the unseen. Moses refused to be the son of Pharaoh because he knowed he was the son of Abraham. Whew! Now, I know you know I'm a fanatic. I'm fanatically about one thing: that's Jesus Christ and His promises. Moses had rather be a son of Abraham than to be the son of Pharaoh! Why? He couldn't see it in the natural. If he was the son of Abraham, the mud pitch was for him, the slave's whip. What was it? But he had recompense to the reward, for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible, who made the promise. There you are.

    What choice are you making tonight, here in Hollywood, and Los Angeles, the fashion place of the world, where the fine spires and the steeples and everything else? What choice are you making? Let me tell you, brother, sister, find that Holy Spirit that takes control in the heart and those pulsations begin to come that God is God, and the things of the world will perish. Then you walk after the things you don't see. You'll become crazy to the people of the world. They'll say, “Well, that woman's lost her mind. That man's gone off at the deep end. Why, he says that he's healed of cancer. Why, he's healed of his blindness. He's healed of this, that, or the other. Or he says that he's received the Holy Spirit, that's changed him. Why, he don't even associate in the poolroom no more. We don't find him at the card table. This woman don't play the cards no more. She quit wearing vulgar clothes. She become a new person, there's something wrong with her.” Sure. Something happened to her.

    The old carnal mind died and the mind of Christ took the place in the woman's heart. And now she's walking, looking for a city where she will be popular, where she will ride on the chariots with the sons and daughters of God, where she will be a guest of the Lord Jesus forever. She's looking for a city whose builder and maker is God. She cares not about the pollution of the world. See, she's been enthroned by something else. God has come into her heart and it just blackened out the fashions of the world. That's first, when He takes control.

    Then I want you to notice what Moses did when he got that vision of the unseen. Here he was standing, there was the throne, all of the world laid at his hand, every pretty thing that could happen. The Pharaoh of Egypt. And he had all the money, the women, the beautiful girls, and all the social, and all the popularity, and the gaiety of the world laid at his hand. But what did he look down in the mud pit? It could promise him nothing but poverty, a fall from the society that he was in, a turning his back upon the glaring things of the world. He had to go to the mud pits to become one of them.
    I remember some time ago when a certain denominational church that I was ordained in said, “Billy, you go out with that bunch and you'll become a holy-roller.” But I looked out upon them, I seen a promise in them that they wasn't ashamed of the religion that they represented. I seen they were God's children. Called everything in the world, but I seen they were heirs of the promise; and I took my place with them to become one of them. Now, it ain't to sympathize with them, and say, “Oh, I think they're nice people.” That don't do no good, you've got to become one of them! Moses didn't say, “Now, I sympathize with my people. I think they're nice and everything, but I'm up here and they're down there.” No, Moses went to become one of them, because he endured as seeing Him who was invisible. He didn't walk by sight; he walked by faith, the unseen. Something happened to him.

    William Branham
    Looking At The Unseen
    Los Angeles, California, USA

    83 6

    YouTube Video VVV6UkVlYVpNUWxiSWtnWnNuVDBhTm9RLnJpNDhpQ3lQSlBV

    "What Choice Are You Making" (Looking At The Unseen) - William Branham


    Sure, you're misunderstood. But what do we care? - William Branham/God Being Misunderstood, 61-0723E - 

«  245       †        Today I'm misunderstood in my ministry, that He sent me to the people. They misunderstand. Every one of them said, "We believe Brother Branham..." I talked to a preacher awhile ago, said, "Brother Branham, we all know that you was sent to the church, but, the idea is, how do you come baptizing in Jesus' Name?" They misunderstand the Scriptures. They misunderstand it. That's what He sent me for; that's my purpose of being here. "Why do you teach the serpent's seed, and things like that that's contrary to what we teach?" Well, brother, that's why I'm here. They just misunderstand it. Amen. But God is bearing record by His Word and the signs of the Holy Ghost in...?... No matter how much they may misunderstand it, God's confirming the Word. Amen.
God's always been misunderstood. And those who live with God are misunderstood with God, because it's God working in them. Amen. You believe it?
I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me (Do you love Him? Raise up your hands and say praises.)
... purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.

«  247       †        Are you glad you're misunderstood? We used to sing a little song, saying, "Now I'm marked, marked, marked, marked by the Spirit Divine." That's right. People that once loved me, turn their back on me now because I'm marked, marked by the Spirit. Amen. I lost my mind to the things of the world to receive the mind of Christ; therefore, if I have the mind of Christ, my mind seeks those things which are above. I'd like for somebody to show me any different correct baptism besides the Name of Jesus Christ. I'd like for somebody to show me a Scripture that says the serpent didn't have a seed. I'd like for somebody to show me a Scripture that says there's three gods.
Then they say, "Well, what is it?"

«  249       †        God sends His Message and bears record of it. He confirms the Word with signs following. That's what the Bible said. They can't deny that; it's a fact. But what did they do? They misunderstand it, because I didn't come in the name of the Assemblies of God, the Oneness, or the Twoness, or the Threeness, or the Church of God, or the Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterian, Lutheran. I come in none of them names; I come in the Name of Jesus Christ. And God by His mercy confirms the Message by the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So it's still the Spirit of God that the people misunderstand. That's right, misunderstood.
Sure, you're misunderstood; all that live godly in Christ Jesus is misunderstood, all the way from righteous Noah, all the way down till the modern day saint today is misunderstood: always been, people misunderstand it.
Israel misunderstood it. They don't understand; they just can't because they are carnal in spirit, and not... It won't deviate with the spiritual, because it will not mix.

«  252       †        But I'm glad that we live in a Kingdom that's not made with hands of men. I'm glad that we're going to a Kingdom that man had nothing to do with. I'm glad that our Kingdom is above. And if our Kingdom is above, we're born from above, then we seek those things which are above, where Christ sets at the right hand of God, oh, where He's not ashamed of us as our testimony. We're not ashamed of Him on this earth, because we are pilgrims and strangers. We're not of this earth; we're borned of the Spirit of God. We're setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, washed in His Blood, borned of His Spirit, filled with His grace. That's it: misunderstood. But what do we care? We love Him. Don't you love Him?

    Sure, you're misunderstood. But what do we care? - William Branham/God Being Misunderstood, 61-0723E -

    « 245 † Today I'm misunderstood in my ministry, that He sent me to the people. They misunderstand. Every one of them said, "We believe Brother Branham..." I talked to a preacher awhile ago, said, "Brother Branham, we all know that you was sent to the church, but, the idea is, how do you come baptizing in Jesus' Name?" They misunderstand the Scriptures. They misunderstand it. That's what He sent me for; that's my purpose of being here. "Why do you teach the serpent's seed, and things like that that's contrary to what we teach?" Well, brother, that's why I'm here. They just misunderstand it. Amen. But God is bearing record by His Word and the signs of the Holy Ghost in...?... No matter how much they may misunderstand it, God's confirming the Word. Amen.
    God's always been misunderstood. And those who live with God are misunderstood with God, because it's God working in them. Amen. You believe it?
    I love Him, I love Him
    Because He first loved me (Do you love Him? Raise up your hands and say praises.)
    ... purchased my salvation
    On Calvary's tree.

    « 247 † Are you glad you're misunderstood? We used to sing a little song, saying, "Now I'm marked, marked, marked, marked by the Spirit Divine." That's right. People that once loved me, turn their back on me now because I'm marked, marked by the Spirit. Amen. I lost my mind to the things of the world to receive the mind of Christ; therefore, if I have the mind of Christ, my mind seeks those things which are above. I'd like for somebody to show me any different correct baptism besides the Name of Jesus Christ. I'd like for somebody to show me a Scripture that says the serpent didn't have a seed. I'd like for somebody to show me a Scripture that says there's three gods.
    Then they say, "Well, what is it?"

    « 249 † God sends His Message and bears record of it. He confirms the Word with signs following. That's what the Bible said. They can't deny that; it's a fact. But what did they do? They misunderstand it, because I didn't come in the name of the Assemblies of God, the Oneness, or the Twoness, or the Threeness, or the Church of God, or the Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterian, Lutheran. I come in none of them names; I come in the Name of Jesus Christ. And God by His mercy confirms the Message by the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So it's still the Spirit of God that the people misunderstand. That's right, misunderstood.
    Sure, you're misunderstood; all that live godly in Christ Jesus is misunderstood, all the way from righteous Noah, all the way down till the modern day saint today is misunderstood: always been, people misunderstand it.
    Israel misunderstood it. They don't understand; they just can't because they are carnal in spirit, and not... It won't deviate with the spiritual, because it will not mix.

    « 252 † But I'm glad that we live in a Kingdom that's not made with hands of men. I'm glad that we're going to a Kingdom that man had nothing to do with. I'm glad that our Kingdom is above. And if our Kingdom is above, we're born from above, then we seek those things which are above, where Christ sets at the right hand of God, oh, where He's not ashamed of us as our testimony. We're not ashamed of Him on this earth, because we are pilgrims and strangers. We're not of this earth; we're borned of the Spirit of God. We're setting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, washed in His Blood, borned of His Spirit, filled with His grace. That's it: misunderstood. But what do we care? We love Him. Don't you love Him?

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    Sure, you're misunderstood. But what do we care? - William Branham/God Being Misunderstood, 61-0723E


    2023 - Believers Testimonies - "One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." Psalm 145:4